===== Getting Pure-ftpd and PureAdmin Working =====
This guide is made for Ubuntu Hardy Heron but it should also work as a generic guide.
As I want to use the ftp server on my desktop I only need a simple configuration (quick'n'dirty), thus only authenticate users with PureDB.
Install pure-ftpd.
sudo apt-get install pure-ftpd pure-ftpd-common libgamin-dev
Start out by lowering the UID limit value:
cd /etc/pure-ftpd/conf
sudo vi MinUID -> change to 100, otherwise you get "account is disabled" for all users in the syslog as ftpuser has a uid below 1000.
Lets disable all authentication methods but PureDB:
sudo vi PAMAuthentication -> change it to "no"
sudo vi UnixAuthentication -> change it to "no"
Now enable PureDB authentication:
cd /etc/pure-ftpd/auth
sudo ln -s ../conf/PureDB ./30puredb -> activation of the PureDB authentication
Now download PureAdmin: http://purify.sourceforge.net/index.php?page=download
Unpack the tar-ball and compile it:
sudo make install
The first time you start PureAdmin it will look for dependent settings. Just say okay to the suggestions.
That should do it!