This is how I setup my ftp server with Pure-FTPd and MySQL as backend for authentication and user profiles and sOLARiZ PureFTPd Manager as interface to MySQL.
Install Pure-FTPd the way you like it. As I use SuSE 9.3 I use the version bundled with the distribution and hence use the “SuSE Standard” for file locations.
Start out by editing the /etc/pure-ftpd/pure-ftpd.conf file to make use of MySQL as backend. Mine looks like this:
ChrootEveryone yes BrokenClientsCompatibility no MaxClientsNumber 10 Daemonize yes MaxClientsPerIP 3 VerboseLog no AllowDotFiles yes DisplayDotFiles yes AnonymousOnly no NoAnonymous yes SyslogFacility ftp DontResolve yes MaxIdleTime 15 MySQLConfigFile /etc/pure-ftpd/pureftpd-mysql.conf LimitRecursion 2000 8 AnonymousCanCreateDirs no MaxLoad 4 Umask 177:077 MinUID 100 AllowUserFXP no AllowAnonymousFXP no ProhibitDotFilesWrite no ProhibitDotFilesRead no AutoRename yes AnonymousCantUpload yes NoChmod yes CreateHomeDir yes MaxDiskUsage 99 NoRename yes CustomerProof yes
Lets create /etc/pure-ftpd/pureftpd-mysql.conf:
MYSQLServer localhost MYSQLPort 3306 MYSQLUser ftpd MYSQLPassword 123456 MYSQLDatabase System MYSQLCrypt md5 MYSQLGetPW SELECT Password FROM ftpd WHERE User="\L" AND status="1" AND (ipaccess = "*" OR ipaccess LIKE "\R") MYSQLGetUID SELECT Uid FROM ftpd WHERE User="\L" AND status="1" AND (ipaccess = "*" OR ipaccess LIKE "\R") MYSQLGetGID SELECT Gid FROM ftpd WHERE User="\L"AND status="1" AND (ipaccess = "*" OR ipaccess LIKE "\R") MYSQLGetDir SELECT Dir FROM ftpd WHERE User="\L"AND status="1" AND (ipaccess = "*" OR ipaccess LIKE "\R") MySQLGetBandwidthUL SELECT ULBandwidth FROM ftpd WHERE User="\L"AND status="1" AND (ipaccess = "*" OR ipaccess LIKE "\R") MySQLGetBandwidthDL SELECT DLBandwidth FROM ftpd WHERE User="\L"AND status="1" AND (ipaccess = "*" OR ipaccess LIKE "\R") MySQLGetQTASZ SELECT QuotaSize FROM ftpd WHERE User="\L"AND status="1" AND (ipaccess = "*" OR ipaccess LIKE "\R") MySQLGetQTAFS SELECT QuotaFiles FROM ftpd WHERE User="\L"AND status="1" AND (ipaccess = "*" OR ipaccess LIKE "\R")
Install MySQL on a server or use a already installed one. Again I use the one following SuSE 9.3.
I use a thirdparty PHP interface to the MySQL database called sOLARiZ PureFTPd Manager, so I also have Apache2 with PHP and PHP-mysql installed. You can also download it here pureftp-mgr.tar
You can configure the MySQL database in many ways and make use of a lot of Pure-FTPd's features, but as I'm using PureFTPd Manager I'm bound to its design.
Create a database:
# mysqladmin -u root -p create System
Next make the following file called create.sql:
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ftpd; CREATE TABLE ftpd ( User varchar(16) NOT NULL default '', status enum('0','1') NOT NULL default '0', Password varchar(64) NOT NULL default '', Uid varchar(11) NOT NULL default '-1', Gid varchar(11) NOT NULL default '-1', Dir varchar(128) NOT NULL default '', ULBandwidth smallint(5) NOT NULL default '0', DLBandwidth smallint(5) NOT NULL default '0', comment tinytext NOT NULL, ipaccess varchar(15) NOT NULL default '*', QuotaSize smallint(5) NOT NULL default '0', QuotaFiles int(11) NOT NULL default 0, PRIMARY KEY (User), UNIQUE KEY User (User) ) TYPE=MyISAM;
Use this file to create the our user table:
# mysql -u root -p System < create.sql
Use this file, create-user.sql, to create the ftpd user and its rights:
USE mysql; INSERT INTO user (Host, User, Password) VALUES ('localhost','ftpd',password('123456')); INSERT INTO db (Host, Db, User, Select_priv, Insert_priv, Update_priv, Delete_priv) VALUES ('localhost', 'System', 'ftpd', 'Y', 'Y', 'Y', 'Y'); FLUSH PRIVILEGES; GRANT SELECT, INSERT, DELETE, UPDATE ON System.* TO ftpd@localhost;
Now run it:
# mysql -u root -p -h localhost < create-ftpd.sql
Now copy the sOLARiZ PureFTPd Manager files into your documentroot somewhere. As we are dealing with usernames and passwords I like to use https. With SuSE 9.3 the tool gensslcert will make the certificate for you. If you aren't using SuSE, look at the manpages for openssl. To make use of this I have created /etc/apache2/vhosts.d/pureftpd.conf:
Listen 666 <VirtualHost _default_:666> DocumentRoot "/srv/www/htdocs/pureftpd" ServerName localhost:666 ServerAdmin ErrorLog /var/log/apache2/pureftpd_error_log TransferLog /var/log/apache2/pureftpd_access_log SSLEngine on SSLCipherSuite ALL:!ADH:!EXPORT56:RC4+RSA:+HIGH:+MEDIUM:+LOW:+SSLv2:+EXP:+eNULL SSLCertificateFile /etc/apache2/ssl.crt/server.crt SSLCertificateKeyFile /etc/apache2/ssl.key/server.key <Directory "/srv/www/htdocs/pureftpd"> SSLOptions +StdEnvVars SSLRequireSSL </Directory> SetEnvIf User-Agent ".*MSIE.*" \ nokeepalive ssl-unclean-shutdown \ downgrade-1.0 force-response-1.0 CustomLog /var/log/apache2/postfixadmin_request_log \ "%t %h %{SSL_PROTOCOL}x %{SSL_CIPHER}x \"%r\" %b" <Directory /srv/www/htdocs/pureftpd> AllowOverride AuthConfig Order deny,allow Allow from all </Directory> </VirtualHost>
This creates an https webinterface listening on port 666/tcp. To enter this interface you browse to https://yourserver:666
I would like to be the only one accessing this interface and therfor we need some authentication. Create .htaccess in the documentroot /srv/www/htdocs/pureftpd/:
AuthUserFile /srv/www/htdocs/pureftpd/.htpasswd AuthGroupFile /dev/null AuthName "Pure-ftpd Admin" AuthType Basic <limit GET POST> require valid-user </limit>
Create the htpasswd file and create a admin user:
# htpasswd2 -c /srv/www/htdocs/pureftpd/.htpasswd admin
Create a user and group called “pureftpd”.
Extract the PureFTPd Manager files into “/srv/www/htdocs/pureftpd”.
To make use of md5 instead of crypt I changed “index.php” to:
<? // Aenderungen 25.5. Uwe Ahrendt // // READ THE README !!! /**************************************************** * PureFTP - PHP USer Manager by solariz * Source (c) 2002 - **************************************************** CheckOut: */ include("pureftp.config.php"); ################################################################# ############### NO NEED FOR CHANGES BELOW HERE ################## ################################################################# // Config einlesen if(!file_exists($PUREFTP_CONFIG_FILE)) DIE("FATAL ERROR: Pure FTPD Config file not found.<br />$PUREFTP_CONFIG_FILE"); $USERARRAY = array(); $raw = file($PUREFTP_CONFIG_FILE); foreach($raw AS $zeile): if(!ereg("^#",$zeile)): #skip comments // Einlesen der einzelnen Zeilen als Variable $tmp = split(" ",trim($zeile)); // UNIX Tab workaround if(count($tmp) < 2) $tmp = explode("\t",trim($zeile)); $var = strtoupper(trim($tmp[0])); for($n=1;$n<count($tmp);++$n) { if(!empty($tmp[$n])) { $$var = trim($tmp[$n]); break; }#end if }#end for // Einlesen der Tabelle if(empty($DB_TABLE) AND eregi("FROM\ [[:alnum:]]{1,20}\ WHERE",$zeile)): $tmp2 = split("FROM ",$zeile); $tmp2 = split(" WHERE",trim($tmp2[1])); $DB_TABLE = trim($tmp2[0]); unset($tmp2); EndIF; EndIf; EndForEach; if(empty($MYSQLSERVER)) $MYSQLSERVER = "localhost"; if(empty($DB_TABLE)) DIE("ERROR: Config error in pureftpd config file. No table specified."); // UA if ($MYSQLCRYPT == "md5") {$PW = TRUE;} else {$PW = FALSE;} // Current Version $VERSION = "2.50"; $BUILD = "1018"; // Setein header PAGE_HEADER(); // SQL Connection herstellen DB_OPEN(); // FORM SUBIT AUSWERTUNG // Globals $action = get_var("action"); $user = get_var("user"); if( $action == "edit" || $action == "add" ) { // ADD value setter if($action == "add"): $USERARRAY['User'] = $DefaultUser; // UA if ($PW) {$USERARRAY['Password'] = md5($DefaultPass); } else {$USERARRAY['Password'] = $DefaultPass; } $USERARRAY['Password'] = $DefaultPass; $USERARRAY['Uid'] = $DefaultUid; $USERARRAY['Gid'] = $DefaultGid; $USERARRAY['Dir'] = $DefaultDir; $USERARRAY['ULBandwidth'] = $DefaultUL; $USERARRAY['DLBandwidth'] = $DefaultDL; $USERARRAY['ipaccess'] = $Defaultip; $USERARRAY['QuotaSize'] = $DefaultQS; // UA $USERARRAY['QuotaFiles'] = $DefaultQF; $USERARRAY['comment'] = $Defaultcmt; else: unset($USERARRAY); EndIf; if(!empty($user) AND $user != "0") { $USERARRAY=@MYSQL_FETCH_ARRAY(DB_QUERY("SELECT * FROM `$DB_TABLE` WHERE User LIKE '$user'")); }#end if if(!is_array($USERARRAY)) DIE("User Not found or DB error.<br />".mysql_error()); echo '<form method=post action="'.$SELF_URL.'" onSubmit="return checkrequired(this)">'; if(!empty($user)) echo '<input type="hidden" name="requireduser" value="'.stripslashes($USERARRAY['User']).'">'; else echo '<input type="hidden" name="addnew" value="True">'; echo '<input type="hidden" name="action" value="save">'; echo '<table width="100%" class=TABLE>'; echo '<tr><th>Status</th><td class=TD><input type="radio" name="status" value="0"'; if($USERARRAY['status'] == 0) echo ' checked'; echo '> Inactive <input type="radio" name="status" value="1"'; if($USERARRAY['status'] == 1) echo ' checked'; echo '> Active</td></tr>'; if(!empty($user)) { echo '<tr><th>Delete user ?</th><td class=TD><input type="checkbox" name="delete"> Yes, i am know exactly what i am doing! (NO UNDO)</td></tr>'; echo '<tr><th>Username</th><td class=TD>'.stripslashes($USERARRAY['User']).'</td></tr>'; } else echo '<tr><th>Username</th><td class=TD><input type="text" name="requireduser" class="input"></td></tr>'; echo '<tr>'; echo '<th>Password</th>'; // UA if ($PW) { echo '<td class=TD><input type="text" name="requiredpass" value="<crypted>" class="input"></td></tr>'; } else { echo '<td class=TD><input type="text" name="requiredpass" value="'.stripslashes($USERARRAY['Password']).'" class="input"></td></tr>'; } echo '<tr><th>UID</th><td class=TD><input type="text" name="requireduid" value="'.stripslashes($USERARRAY['Uid']).'" class="input"></td></tr>'; echo '<tr><th>GID</th><td class=TD><input type="text" name="requiredgid" value="'.stripslashes($USERARRAY['Gid']).'" class="input"></td></tr>'; echo '<tr><th>DIR</th><td class=TD><input type="text" name="requireddir" value="'.stripslashes($USERARRAY['Dir']).'" class="input"></td></tr>'; echo '<tr><th>UL Throttle kb/s</th><td class=TD><input type="text" name="requiredulthrottle" value="'.stripslashes($USERARRAY['ULBandwidth']).'" class="input"></td></tr>'; echo '<tr><th>DL Throttle kb/s</th><td class=TD><input type="text" name="requireddlthrottle" value="'.stripslashes($USERARRAY['DLBandwidth']).'" class="input"></td></tr>'; echo '<tr><th>IP ACCESS</th><td class=TD><input type="text" name="requiredipaccess" value="'.stripslashes($USERARRAY['ipaccess']).'" class="input"><br /><small>Type in <b>*</b> for any IP</td></tr>'; // UA echo '<tr><th>QuotaSize in MB</th><td class=TD><input type="text" name="requiredQuotaSize" value="'.stripslashes($USERARRAY['QuotaSize']).'" class="input"><br /><small>Type in <b>0</b> for NO VirtualQuotaSize</td></tr>'; // UA echo '<tr><th>QuotaFiles Anzahl</th><td class=TD><input type="text" name="requiredQuotaFiles" value="'.stripslashes($USERARRAY['QuotaFiles']).'" class="input"><br /><small>Type in <b>0</b> for NO VirtualQuotaFiles</td></tr>'; echo '<tr><th>COMMENT</th><td class=TD><textarea name="comment" rows="6" cols="20" class="input">'.stripslashes($USERARRAY['comment']).'</textarea></td></tr>'; echo '</table>'; echo '<center><input type="submit" value="Save" class="button" width="100%"></center></form>'; }#end edit elseif($action == "save") { $addnew = addslashes( get_var("addnew") ); $User = addslashes(get_var("requireduser")); // UA - MG Optimized ;) $Password = addslashes(get_var("requiredpass")); IF($Password == '<crypted>') $Password = ''; ELSEif($PW) $Password = md5($Password); $Uid = addslashes(get_var("requireduid")); $Gid = addslashes(get_var("requiredgid")); $Dir = addslashes(get_var("requireddir")); $ULThrottle = addslashes(get_var("requiredulthrottle")); $DLThrottle = addslashes(get_var("requireddlthrottle")); $QuotaSize = addslashes(get_var("requiredQuotaSize")); // UA $QuotaFiles = addslashes(get_var("requiredQuotaFiles")); $comment = addslashes(get_var("comment")); $status = addslashes(get_var("status")); $delete = addslashes(get_var("delete")); $ipaccess = addslashes(get_var("requiredipaccess")); if(empty($User) || empty($Uid) || empty($Gid) || empty($Dir)) DIE("Invalid or missing data entered..."); if(empty($delete)) { // Mini workarounds if($Password) $PW_QUERY = ",Password='$Password'"; if(!$status) $status = (string) '0'; if(!$ULBandwidth) $ULBandwidth = (string) '0'; if(!$DLBandwidth) $DLBandwidth = (string) '0'; if(!$QuotaSize) $QuotaSize = (string) '0'; if(!$QuotaFiles) $QuotaFiles = (string) '0'; if($addnew == False) { $SQL = "UPDATE `$DB_TABLE` SET status='$status'".$PW_QUERY.",Uid='$Uid',Gid='$Gid',Dir='$Dir',ULBandwidth='$ULThrottle',DLBandwidth='$DLThrottle',comment='$comment',ipaccess='$ipaccess',QuotaSize='$QuotaSize',QuotaFiles='$QuotaFiles' WHERE User LIKE '$User' LIMIT 1"; $Q = DB_QUERY($SQL); if($Q) echo "<SCRIPT LANGUAGE=\"JavaScript\">\n<!--\nalert(\"User updated.\");\n//-->\n</SCRIPT>\n"; }#end if else{ $Q = DB_QUERY("INSERT INTO `$DB_TABLE` SET User='$User',status='$status'".$PW_QUERY.",Uid='$Uid',Gid='$Gid',Dir='$Dir',ULBandwidth='$ULThrottle',DLBandwidth='$DLThrottle',comment='$comment',ipaccess='$ipaccess',QuotaSize='$QuotaSize',QuotaFiles='$QuotaFiles'"); if($Q) echo "<SCRIPT LANGUAGE=\"JavaScript\">\n<!--\nalert(\"User added.\");\n//-->\n</SCRIPT>\n"; }#end if }#end if elseif($User && !empty($delete)){#DELETE $Q = DB_QUERY("DELETE FROM `$DB_TABLE` WHERE User LIKE '$User' LIMIT 1"); if($Q) echo "<SCRIPT LANGUAGE=\"JavaScript\">\n<!--\nalert(\"User deleted.\");\n//-->\n</SCRIPT>\n"; }#end if echo "<SCRIPT LANGUAGE=\"JavaScript\">\n<!--\nopener.location.reload();close();\n//-->\n</SCRIPT>\n"; }#end else (save) ###### elseif($action == "ftpwho") { echo '<table border="4">'; exec($FTP_WHO." -s", $ftpresult ); $arraySize = sizeof($ftpresult); $x = 0; echo '<table width="100%" class=TABLE>'; echo '<th class=THsmall>PID</td>'; echo '<th class=THsmall>user</td>'; echo '<th class=THsmall>min\'s</td>'; echo '<th class=THsmall>state</td>'; echo '<th class=THsmall>file</td>'; echo '<th class=THsmall>IP</td>'; echo '<th class=THsmall>current</td>'; echo '<th class=THsmall>total</td>'; echo '<th class=THsmall>%</td>'; echo '<th class=THsmall>bw.</td>'; while($x < $arraySize): $ftpwho = $ftpresult[$x]; list($pid, $user, $mins, $state, $file, $host, $port,$h, $current, $total, $percent, $bandwidth ) = explode("|", $ftpwho ); $mins = round($mins / 60); if (empty($file) or !isset($file)) { ( $file = "---" ); ++$ftp_activity; } else { if(strlen($file) > 10) $file_short = substr($file,0,10); $file = "<a href=\"#\" onClick=\"javascript:alert('$file');\">$file_short...</a>"; }#end else $host = gethostbyname($host); echo '<tr>'; echo '<td class=TDsmall>' .$pid. '</td>'; echo '<td class=TDsmall>' .$user. '</td>'; echo '<td class=TDsmall>' .$mins. '</td>'; echo '<td class=TDsmall>' .$state. '</td>'; echo '<td class=TDsmall>' .$file. '</td>'; echo '<td class=TDsmall>' .$host. '</td>'; echo '<td class=TDsmall>' .$current. '</td>'; echo '<td class=TDsmall>' .$total. '</td>'; echo '<td class=TDsmall>' .$percent. '</td>'; echo '<td class=TDsmall>' .$bandwidth. ' kb/s</td>'; echo '</tr>'; $x++; EndWhile; echo '</table>'; if(!$ftp_activity) echo 'No users currenty using the FTP.<br>'; echo '<p><center><input type=button value=" Close " onclick=self.close()>'; echo '<input type=button value=" Refresh " onClick=" JavaScript : window.location.reload()"></center>'; }#end else (ftpwho) ###### elseif($action == "info") { ?> <font color=gray face="Verdana,Arial"> <b>sOLARiZ PureFTPd Manager</b><br> Version <?=$VERSION?> Build <?=$BUILD?><br><br> About <ul class="small_font"> The first version of this Script was developed roughly at the end of 2001 in need of a simplyfied remote FTP administration. Since this many user submited changes / updates were integrated. If you got special wishes please let me know via mail.<br> One thing to note; I don't take any guarantee either I'm not liable for possible caused damage. This script is free no need to pay for it. But if you like it im be glad for a donation. Everything is welcome e.g. a PayPAL donation:<br> <form action="" method="post"> <input type="hidden" name="cmd" value="_xclick"> <input type="hidden" name="business" value=""> <input type="hidden" name="item_name" value="PureFTPd Manager Donation"> <input type="hidden" name="no_note" value="1"> <input type="hidden" name="currency_code" value="EUR"> <input type="hidden" name="tax" value="0"> <input type="image" src="" border="0" name="submit" alt="Zahlen Sie mit PayPal - schnell, kostenlos und sicher!"> </form> <br> For Information or other stuff regarding pureFTPd Manager or other scripts please visit <a href="" target=_blank></a> </ul> ChangeLog <ul class="small_font"> <? $raw = file("history.txt"); foreach($raw AS $hline): echo stripslashes($hline)."<br>\n"; EndForEach; ?> </ul> <? } ELSE { // User auslesen und in Table darstellen $viewpw = get_var("viewpw"); $Q=DB_QUERY("SELECT * FROM `$DB_TABLE` ORDER BY User"); echo '<table width="100%" class=TABLE>'; echo '<tr><th>LOGIN</th>'; if($viewpw) echo '<th>PASSWORD</th>'; // UA echo '<th>UID</th><th>GID</th><th>DIR</th><th>UL/ks</th><th>DL/ks</th><th>Quota Size</th><th>Quota Files</th><th>IP Access</th><th>Status</th><th> </th></tr>'; WHILE($R=MYSQL_FETCH_ARRAY($Q)) { echo '<tr>'; echo '<td class=TD>'.$R['User'].'</td>'; if($viewpw) echo '<td class=TDPW>'.$R['Password'].'</td>'; echo '<td class=TD>'.$R['Uid'].'</td>'; echo '<td class=TD>'.$R['Gid'].'</td>'; echo '<td class=TD>'.$R['Dir'].'</td>'; if($R['ULBandwidth']) echo '<td class=TD>'.$R['ULBandwidth'].'</td>'; ELSE echo '<td class=TD>-</td>'; if($R['DLBandwidth']) echo '<td class=TD>'.$R['DLBandwidth'].'</td>'; ELSE echo '<td class=TD>-</td>'; if($R['QuotaSize']) echo '<td class=TD>'.$R['QuotaSize'].' MB</td>'; ELSE echo '<td class=TD>-</td>'; // UA if($R['QuotaFiles']) echo '<td class=TD>'.$R['QuotaFiles'].'</td>'; ELSE echo '<td class=TD>-</td>'; echo '<td class=TD>'.$R['ipaccess'].'</td>'; if($R['status'] == '0') echo '<td class="inactive">inactive</td>'; elseif($R['status'] == '1') echo '<td class="active">active</td>'; echo "<td width=30 class=TD><img src=\"gfx/ed.gif\" onClick=\"javascript:fenster('$SELF_URL?action=edit&user=".$R['User']."')\"></td>"; echo "</tr>\n"; }#end while echo '</table>'; ?> <table width="100%" class=TABLE2> <tr> <td align=left> <font color=gray> PureFTP User Management.<br /> v<?=$VERSION?> written by sOLARiZ <br /> [<a href="javascript:fenster('<?=$SELF_URL?>?action=info')"><font color=#BA031B size=1>Information</font></a>]<br /> </td> <td> </td> <td align=right valign=top> <? // Nav Button stuff echo "<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0><tr>"; // Add User Button ECHO "<td><input type=\"image\" src=\"gfx/addusr.gif\" class=button onClick=\"javascript:fenster('$SELF_URL?action=add')\"></td>"; // View Password Button echo '<form method=post action="'.$PHP_SELF.'">'; if($viewpw) echo '<input type="hidden" value=0 name="viewpw">'; ELSE echo '<input type="hidden" value=1 name="viewpw">'; ECHO '<td><input type="image" src="gfx/passwd.gif" value="View Passwords" alt="Toggle Passworddisplay"'; if(!$viewpw) echo ' class=button'; ECHO '></td>'; echo '</form>'; // Status Button ECHO "<td><input type=\"image\" src=\"gfx/status.gif\" class=button onClick=\"javascript:fenster('$SELF_URL?action=ftpwho')\"></td>"; // Update Button ECHO "<td><input type=\"image\" src=\"gfx/updates.gif\" class=button onClick=\"javascript:fenster('$VERSION&ab=$BUILD')\"></td>"; echo "</tr></table>"; ######## echo '</td></tr></table>'; }#end else // SQL Verbindung schliessen DB_CLOSE(); // Seite abschliessen PAGE_FOOTER(); // EOC <--* // Funktionen function PAGE_HEADER() { GLOBAL $VERSION, $BUILD; include("inc/top.php"); }#end func function PAGE_FOOTER() { include("inc/bottom.php"); }#end func function DB_OPEN() { GLOBAL $MYSQLSERVER,$MYSQLUSER,$MYSQLPASSWORD,$MYSQLDATABASE,$MYSQLCON; $MYSQLCON = @mysql_connect($MYSQLSERVER,$MYSQLUSER,$MYSQLPASSWORD); if(!$MYSQLCON OR @mysql_error()) DIE("Can't establish DB connection.<br />".mysql_error()); if(!@mysql_select_Db($MYSQLDATABASE)) DIE("Can't establish DB connection.<br />".mysql_error()); }#end func function DB_CLOSE() { GLOBAL $MYSQLCON; RETURN @mysql_close($MYSQLCON); }#end func function DB_QUERY($sql) { GLOBAL $MYSQLCON,$MYSQLDATABASE; $Q = @MySql_DB_query($MYSQLDATABASE,$sql,$MYSQLCON); if(@mysql_error()) DIE("<b>MySQL Error during Query !</b><br /><br />[$sql]<br />".mysql_error()); return $Q; }#end func function get_var($var){ GLOBAL $$var; GLOBAL $_POST,$_GET,$HTTP_POST_VAR,$HTTP_GET_VAR; $inhalt = $$var; # This function checks if the _GET or _POST var is set or if an old PHP version used if($_POST[$var]) RETURN $_POST[$var]; elseif($HTTP_POST_VAR[$var]) RETURN $HTTP_POST_VAR[$var]; elseif($_GET[$var]) RETURN $_GET[$var]; elseif($HTTP_GET_VAR[$var]) RETURN $HTTP_GET_VAR[$var]; elseif($inhalt) RETURN $inhalt; }#end func ?>
My “pureftp.config.php” looks like this:
<?php ###################### ####### SETUP ######## ###################### // Your exactly located mysql config file for pureftpd $PUREFTP_CONFIG_FILE = '/etc/pure-ftpd/pureftpd-mysql.conf'; // The location where all the Forms directed to. (Mayby no change needed) $SELF_URL = '/index.php'; // The location of your pure-ftpdwho binary (set this to chmod 4711) $FTP_WHO = "/usr/sbin/pure-ftpwho"; ####################### # DEFAULT NEW-USER PARAMS # ####################### $DefaultUser = ""; # Default User Logon $DefaultPass = ""; # Default User Password $DefaultUid = "pureftpd"; # Default User ID ( must be a real user acct ) $DefaultGid = "pureftpd"; # Default Group ID ( must be a real group acct ) $DefaultDir = "/srv/ftp/"; # Default User Dir ( use /./ at the end to chroot ) $DefaultUL = "0"; # Default Upload Throttle ( 0 disables it ) $DefaultDL = "0"; # Default Download Throttle ( 0 disables it ) $Defaultip = "*"; # Default IP restrictions ( * = any IP ) $DefaultQS = "0"; # Default Quota Size ( 0 disables it ) $Defaultcmt = ""; # Default Comment for user // UA $DefaultQF = "0"; # Default Quota Files ( 0 disables it ) $PWC = "55"; # Vorsatz fuerr Crypt Password ?>
This is basically it. Point your browser at https://yourwebserver:666//, login and start sharing diskspace
An alternate Pure-Ftpd GUI can be found at