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Generic Errors
KErrNone 	0	
KErrNotFound 	-1	Unable to find the specified object
KErrGeneral 	-2	General (unspecified) error
KErrCancel 	-3	The operation was cancelled
KErrNoMemory 	-4	Not enough memory
KErrNotSupported 	-5	The operation requested is not supported
KErrArgument 	-6	An argument is out of range
KErrTotalLossOfPrecision 	-7	This error arises when converting from an internal 96-bit real representation to a TReal32; the exponent of the internal representation is so small that the 32-bit real cannot contain it.
KErrBadHandle 	-8	An invalid handle has been passed. A function involving a resource owned by a server or the kernel has specified an invalid handle.
KErrOverflow 	-9	In the context of mathematical or time/date functions, indicates a calculation that has produced arithmetic overflow exceeding the bounds allowed by the representation. In the context of data transfer, indicates that a buffer has over-filled without being emptied soon enough.
KErrUnderflow 	-10	In the context of mathematical or time/date functions, indicates a calculation that has produced a result smaller than the smallest magnitude of a finite number allowed by the representation. In the context of data transfer, indicates that a buffer was under-filled when data was required.
KErrAlreadyExists 	-11	Already exists
KErrPathNotFound 	-12	Unable to find the specified folder
KErrDied 	-13	A handle refers to a thread that has died.
KErrInUse 	-14	A requested resource is already in exclusive use.
KErrServerTerminated 	-15	Client/server send/receive operation cannot run, because the server has terminated.
KErrServerBusy 	-16	A client/server send/receive operation cannot run, because the server is busy handling another request.
KErrCompletion 	-17	An operation is complete, successfully or otherwise. This code may be used to indicate that some follow on operation can take place. It does not necessarily indicate an error condition.
KErrNotReady 	-18	A device required by an i/o operation is not ready to start operations. A common reason for returning this code is because a device has not been initialised, or has no power.
KErrUnknown 	-19	Unknown error
KErrCorrupt 	-20	Some media is not formatted properly, or links between sections of it have been corrupted.
KErrAccessDenied 	-21	Access denied
KErrLocked 	-22	An operation cannot be performed, because the part of the file to be read or written is locked.
KErrWrite 	-23	During a file write operation, not all the data could be written.
KErrDisMounted 	-24	A volume which was to be used for a file system operation has been dismounted.
KErrEof 	-25	End of file has been reached.
KErrDiskFull 	-26	Disk full
KErrBadDriver 	-27	A driver DLL is of the wrong type.
KErrBadName 	-28	A file name or other object name does not conform to the required syntax.
KErrCommsLineFail 	-29	Comms line failed
KErrCommsFrame 	-30	A frame error has occurred in a communications operation.
KErrCommsOverrun 	-31	An overrun has been detected by a communications driver.
KErrCommsParity 	-32	A parity error has occurred in communications.
KErrTimedOut 	-33	Timed out
KErrCouldNotConnect 	-34	Failed to connect
KErrCouldNotDisconnect 	-35	Failed to disconnect
KErrDisconnected 	-36	A function could not be executed because the required session was disconnected.
KErrBadLibraryEntryPoint 	-37	A library entry point was not of the required type.
KErrBadDescriptor 	-38	A non-descriptor parameter was passed by a client interface, when a server expected a descriptor.
KErrAbort 	-39	An operation has been aborted
KErrTooBig 	-40	A number was too big
KErrDivideByZero 	-41	Divide by zero
KErrBadPower 	-42	Insufficient power was available to complete an operation.
KErrDirFull 	-43	An operation on a directory has failed.
KErrHardwareNotAvailable  	-44	An operation cannot be performed because the necessary hardware is not available
KErrSessionClosed 	-45	The completion status when an outstanding client/server message is completed because a shared session has been closed.
KErrPermissionDenied  	-46	An operation cannot be performed due to a potential security violation.
KErrExtensionNotSupported 	-47	A requested extension function is not supported by the object concerned.
KErrCommsBreak  	-48	A break has occurred in a communications operation.
KErrMsgBioMessageNotValid	-90
Etel Fax
KFaxErrModemNotWorking 	-101 	The fax modem has failed
KFaxErrCannotConnect 	-102 	
KFaxErrCSIorCIG 	-103	
KFaxErrDISorDTC 	-104	
KFaxErrFrameFail 	-105 	The connection to the fax machine has been broken
KFaxErrAtNegotiatedSpeed 	-106	
KFaxErrCFR 	-107	
KFaxErrMCF 	-108	
KFaxErrCRP 	-109	
KFaxErrNoDial 	-110	Could not dial fax number
KFaxErrNoDialTone 	-111	No dial tone was detected
KFaxErrBusy 	-112	The line is busy
KFaxErrNoAnswer 	-113	The call was not answered
KFaxErrNoCarrier 	-114	The call was not answered by a fax machine
KFaxErrRemoteCannotReceive 	-115	Could not send to the fax machine. The fax machine is unable to receive faxes
KFaxErrCompression 	-116 	Panic
KFaxErrPageTooLong 	-117 	Panic
KFaxErrDCN 	-118	
KFaxErrRemoteDCN 	-119	
KFaxErrHDLC 	-120	
KFaxErrStopAndWait 	-121 	Panic
KFaxErrTrainStop 	-122	
KFaxErrReceiveTimeout 	-123	Could not send to the fax machine. The connection has timed out
KFaxErrCannotEndData 	-124 	The connection to the fax machine has been broken
KFaxErrEOP 	-125	
KFaxErrMPS 	-126	
KFaxErrNoReceiveMode 	-127	
KFaxErrCannotAnswer 	-128	
KFaxErrPrematureHangup 	-129	Could not receive fax. The fax machine ended the call
KFaxErrModemResponse 	-130	
KFaxErrPrematureOK 	-131	
KFaxErrNoFinalOK 	-132	
KFaxErrUnknownPageCode 	-133	
KFaxErrNoHangup 	-134	
KFaxErrNoNegotiate 	-135	
KFaxErrModemDisconnect 	-136	
KFaxErrWrongModemType 	-137	
KFaxErrTrainFail 	-138	
KFaxTransmitterStalled 	-139	
KFaxReceiverOverflow 	-140	
KFaxCannotOpenPort 	-141	
KFaxCannotCloseStore 	-142	
KFaxCannotOpenStore 	-143	
KFaxThreadError 	-144	
KFaxFileSessionError 	-145	
KFaxLogCreateError 	-146	
KFaxFileSeekError 	-147	
KFaxPDDError 	-148	
KFaxLDDError 	-149	
KFaxC32Error 	-150	
KFaxCommsServerError 	-151	
KFaxCommsPortError 	-152	
KFaxCancelRequested 	-153	
KFaxNoClass2Xon 	-154	
KFaxConfigError 	-155	
KFaxCannotAutodetect 	-156	
KCannotFindFirstPage 	-157	
KFaxBadInitialization 	-158	
KFaxOnlyJustAutoDetected 	-159	
KFaxBelowMinSpeed 	-160	
KFaxPollingUnsupported 	-161	
KFaxNothingToPoll 	-162	
KFaxEtelServerError 	-163	
Email Pop Errors
KPop3CannotConnect	-170 	The POP3 server refused to allow a connection
KPop3InvalidUser	-171 	The POP3 server refused to allow a connection. Check your mailbox username
KPop3InvalidLogin	-172 	The POP3 server refused to allow a connection. Check your mailbox username and password
KPop3CannotCreateApopLogonString	-173 	Could not create secure logon string. Mailbox server may not support secure logon
KPop3ProblemWithRemotePopServer	-174 	Problem communicating with POP3 server
KPop3CannotOpenServiceEntry	-175 	Panic
KPop3CannotSetRequiredFolderContext	-176 	Panic
KPop3InvalidApopLogin	-177 	Panic
Email Socket Errors
KImsKErrorDNSNotFound 	-180 	Could not find a DNS server. Please check the DNS address in the internet control panel
KImsKErrorControlPanelLocked 	-181 	Could not connect to internet. Please ensure the internet control panel is closed
KImskErrorISPOrIAPRecordNotFound 	-182 	
KImskErrorActiveSettingIsDifferent 	-183 	Unable to connect using the specified IAP, already connected to the Internet using a different IAP
KImskSecuritySettingsFailed 	-184 	
Socket Errors
KErrNetUnreach 	-190 	Could not connect to the network. Currently unreachable
KErrHostUnreach 	-191 	Could not connect to the specified server
KErrNoProtocolOpt 	-192 	The specified server refuses the selected protocol
KErrUrgentData 	-193 	
KErrWouldBlock 	-1000 	See also BAFL, OCR and PTI errors
Email IMAP Errors
KErrImapConnectFail 	-200 	Could not connect to IMAP4 server
KErrImapServerFail 	-201 	The connection to the IMAP4 server has been broken
KErrImapServerParse 	-202 	
KErrImapServerBusy 	-203 	The IMAP4 server refused to allow connection. The server is currently busy
KErrImapServerVersion 	-204 	Could not connect to the IMAP server. The IMAP server is of the wrong version
KErrImapSendFail 	-205 	Could not transmit to the IMAP4 server
KErrImapBadLogon 	-206 	The IMAP4 server refused to allow a connection. Check your mailbox username and password
KErrImapSelectFail 	-207 	
KErrImapWrongFolder 	-208 	Could not select an IMAP4 folder
KErrImapServerNoSecurity 	-209 	
KErrImapServerLoginDisabled 	-210 	Login for this IMAP4 server has been disabled
KErrImapTLSNegotiateFailed 	-211 	A secure connection cannot be made to this server
KErrImapCantDeleteFolder 	-212 	This folder cannot be deleted
KDmssUnknownErr 	-221 	
KDmssMailboxUnavailableErr 	-222 	
KDmssActionAbortedErr 	-223 	
KDmssActionNotTakenErr 	-224 	
KDmssCmdUnrecognisedErr 	-225 	
KDmssSyntaxErrorErr 	-226 	
KDmssCmdNotImplementedErr 	-227 	
KDmssBadSequenceErr 	-228 	
KDmssParamNotImplementedErr 	-229 	
KDmssMailboxNoAccessErr 	-230 	
KDmssExceededStorageErr 	-231 	
KDmssMailboxNameErr 	-232 	
KDmssTransactionFailedErr 	-233 	
KDmssTimeOutErr 	-234 	
Email SMTP Error
KSmtpNoMailFromErr 	-240 	Could not send email due to an invalid return email address. Check your email address in your account settings
KSmtpUnknownErr 	-241 	Problem while sending email
KSmtpBadMailFromAddress 	-242 	Email message has an invalid "From" address
KSmtpBadRcptToAddress 	-243 	Email message has an invalid "To", "Cc" or "Bcc" address
KSmtpLoginRefused 	-244 	SMTP server refused to allow connection
KSmtpNoMsgsToSendWithActiveSettings 	-245 	Could not send email. The messages are destined for an account different from the currently connected one.
KErrSmtpTLSNegotiateFailed 	-246 	Secure connection failed. Server may not accept secure connections or certificates may be expired.
KImcmHTMLPartNotPopulated 	-250 	
KImcmInvalidMessageStructure	-251 	
KErrPop3TLSNegotiateFailed 	-260 	
Access Point Engine
KErrInvalidColumn	-300 	Attempting to read or write a column which does not exists.
KErrInvalidBearer	-301 	The given bearer is not valid.
KErrInvalidDatabaseType 	-302 	The type of the database is not valid
KErrInvalidName 	-303 	The name of the AP is not valid (length = 0)
KErrDescOverflow 	-304 	
KErrNullPointerPassed 	-305 	The passed pointer was invalid = NULL
KErrInvalidFilterType	-310 	The filter is not valid
KErrInvalidBearerType	-311 	The bearer is not valid
KErrInvalidIspRequest	-312 	The ISP type given is invalid
KErrValueUnspecified	-323 	Used when the requested value was not specified in the database
KApSelectionCanceled 	-350
KTxtNotOverriden	-351
KErrInvalidTextId	-355
KErrActiveApDbObserverNotFound	-500 	Can be BIO Messaging "KBspInvalidMessage"
BIO messaging
KBspInvalidMessage	-500	"Corrupt message cannot be read. (can also be KErrValueUnspecified in AP Engine)"
KBspSmartMessageInvalidToken	-501	"Corrupt message cannot be read."
KBspSmartMessageNoParserDefined	-502	"Unknown message type cannot be read."
KIacpUnknownSmsType	-510	"Left token not starting with neither 'M' nor 'I'."
KIacpBIOMsgTypeNotSupported	-511	"This Bio msg is not suppported.."
KiacpMandatoryDataNotSet	-512	"A mandatory Field/Value has not been found in SMS message."
KIacpUnknownMailProtocol	-513	"Mailbox configuration message refers to an unknown protocol."
KIacpErrRightToken	-514	"Improper right token i.e not equal t/f (True/False)."
KIacpErrLeftToken	-515	"Unknown Left Token i.e not starting with 'M' for Mail or 'I' for Internet configuration"
KIacpErrSmsDataNotParsed	-516	"Sms data should be parsed before commiting."
KIacpErrSmsDataNotRestored	-517	"Sms data should be parsed before commiting."
KIacpScriptErrISPNotFound	-518	"Mailbox configuration message specifies an unknown Internet Access Point."
KIacpErrScriptNotDefined	-519	"Script not included in sms."
KIacpErrScriptNotFoundInDB	-520	"There is no script in DB to append to.."
KIacpErrScriptAlreadyAdd	-521	"Script cannot be add more than ounce for a each Bio Msg."
KWappErrXmlVer	-601	"Wrong XML version"
KWappErrOutbound	-602	"Index in exceeds boundaries"
KWappErrStringTable	-603	"Bad String table reference"
KWappErrEOS	-604	"Reached the end of a key descriptor"
KWappErrUnexpectedValue	-605	"Expecting a different tag or content/attributes"
KWappErrNoAttributes	-606	"Expecting attributes- missing"
KWappErrMandatoryTagMissing	-607	"Search for a mandatory tag failed"
KWappErrStoreNotFound	-608	"No store attached to this entry"
KWappErrMsgUnparsed	-609	"Trying to process a message which is unparsed"
KWappErrUnrecognised	-610	"Token or string is not a recognised value"
KWappErrNullValue	-611	"Variable is null or has not been intialised"
KWappErrContent	-612	"Empty element, particularly a problem if it's an empty characteristic- has no PARMS"
KWappErrNoDBRecords	-613	"Could not find a first record in the COMMDB"
KWappErrNotSupported	-614	"Not Supported - WAP specific"
KWappErrBadMessage	-615	"Data content/format of message is invalid"
KWappErrNoTermination	-616	"Terminating byte missing from string or data element."

More Wap errors can be found in the ranges -5300..-5500 and -10000..-10025. See below.
XML Parser
EXmlFeatureLockedWhileParsing	-974
EXmlDtdRequired	-975
EXmlEntityDeclInPe	-976
EXmlUnexpectedState	-977
EXmlNotStandalone	-978
EXmlExternalEntityHandling	-979
EXmlUnclosedCdata	-980
EXmlIncorrectEncoding	-981
EXmlUnknownEncoding	-982
EXmlMisplacedPi	-983
EXmlAttributeExternalEntityRef	-984
EXmlBinaryEntityRef	-985
EXmlBadCharRef	-986
EXmlAsyncEntity	-987
EXmlRecursiveEntity	-988
EXmlUndefinedEntity	-989
EXmlPeRef	-990
EXmlJunkAfterDocElement	-991
EXmlDuplicateAttribute	-992
EXmlTagMismatch	-993
EXmlPartialChar	-994
EXmlUnclosedToken	-995
EXmlInvalidToken	-996
EXmlNoElements	-997
EXmlSyntax	-998
EXmlParserError	-1000
KErrExtended	-1000
KErrExtendedWithText	-1001
KLeaveWithoutAlert	-1002
KLeaveExit	-1003
KErrOcrBadImage	-1001	Bad image or unsupported format
KErrOcrBadLanguage	-1002	Unsupported language
KErrOcrBadRegion	-1003	Bad layout region
KErrOcrNotSetLanguage	-1004	Not set any language
KErrOcrBadDictFile	-1005	Not set any language packages
Predictive Text Input
KErrNoActiveLanguage	-1001
KErrLanguageNotFound	-1002
KErrNoSuitableCore	-1003
KErrNotAllowed	-1004
KErrTooLongWord	-1005
KErrInvalidWord	-1006
KErrTooLongReading	-1007
KErrInvalidReading	-1008
KErrUserDic	-1009
ETEL Errors
KErrEtelNotCallOwner 	-2000	
KErrEtelDuplicatePhoneName 	-2001	
KErrEtelAlreadyCallOwner 	-2002	
KErrEtelNoCarrier 	-2003	"Problem communicating receiving device. Call was unexpectedly dropped"
KErrEtelBusyDetected 	-2004	"Phone number is busy. Wait before trying again"
KErrEtelNoClientInterestedInThisCall 	-2005	
KErrEtelInitialisationFailure 	-2006	
KErrEtelCallNotActive 	-2007	
KErrEtelNoAnswer 	-2008	"Call was not answered"
KErrEtelNoDialTone 	-2009	
KErrEtelConfigPortFailure 	-2010	
KErrEtelFaxChunkNotCreated 	-2011	
KErrEtelNotFaxOwner 	-2012	
KErrEtelPortNotLoanedToClient 	-2013	
KErrEtelWrongModemType 	-2014	
KErrEtelUnknownModemCapability 	-2015	
KErrEtelAnswerAlreadyOutstanding 	-2016	
KErrEtelModemNotDetected 	-2017	"Phone is turned off or not ready. Check phone and try again"
KErrEtelModemSettingsCorrupt 	-2018	
KErrEtelPortAlreadyLoaned 	-2019	"The Data port is in use by another call or application."
KErrEtelCallAlreadyActive 	-2020	"Another call active. Close it before opening a new one"
NetDial Errors
KErrExitNoModem	-3001	"No response from phone. Ensure phone is switched on"
KErrExitModemError	-3002	"Problem communicating with Internet service's modem"
KErrExitLoginFail	-3003	"Internet username or password is incorrect."
KErrExitScriptTimeOut	-3004	"Internet service login script timed out. Internet service login script may be incorrect."
KErrExitScriptError	-3005	"Problem with Internet service login script. Internet service login script may be incorrect."
KErrNetDialDatabaseDefaultUndefined	-3006	"No Internet Access Points are defined"
KErrNetDialDatabaseTypeUnknown	-3007	"No Internet Access Points are defined"
KErrNetDialDatabaseNotFound	-3008	"No Internet Access Points are defined"
KErrNetDialHscsdNotSupported	-3009	
TCP/IP (v4)
KErrIfAuthenticationFailure	-3050 	"Internet username or password is incorrect"
KErrIfAuthNotSecure	-3051 	"Internet service server only allows plain text authentication. This is currently disabled.
KErrIfAccountDisabled	-3052 	"Could not connect to Internet service. Your account has been disabled"
KErrIfRestrictedLogonHours	-3053 	"Could not connect to Internet service. Your account is only active during restricted hours"
KErrIfPasswdExpired	-3054 	"Could not connect to Internet service. Your Internet password has expired"
KErrIfNoDialInPermission	-3055 	"Could not connect to Internet service. Your do not have dial-in permission"
KErrIfChangingPassword	-3056 	
KErrIfCallbackNotAcceptable	-3057 	"Could not connect to Internet service. Callback is not supported"
KErrIfDNSNotFound	-3058 	"Could not find specified Internet server"
KErrIfLRDBadLine	-3059 	"Bad line to Internet service dropped"
KErrIfNoServerPresent	-3060 	
KErrIfRemoteDisconnected	-3061 	

More TCP/IP errors below (in the -5100 range).
Multimode Telephony

Multimode telephony errors that will be generated by TSY
KErrMMEtelWrongMode 	-3201 	Client has requested a mode-specific API service and the phone is currently in the wrong mode.
KErrMMEtelFailedDueToModeChange 	-3202 	Error code to cater for requests that fail because the mode changes mid-way during servicing that request
KErrMMEtelRemoteEndTermination 	-3203 	Remote user (or network) has terminated an ongoing call.
KErrMMEtelSmsFormatNotSupported 	-3204 	Client requested a message format that is not supported by TSY anor phone.
KErrMMEtelFeatureCodeNotSet 	-3205 	Client requests a service whose feature code has not been programmed e.g. Call Forwarding.
KErrMMEtelNetworkNotResponding 	-3206 	Network has failed to respond to an MS initiated request e.g. "flash info"
KErrMMEtelCallForbidden 	-3207 	Client requests a call to a destination that is forbidden.
KErrMMEtelMaxReached 	-3208 	The maximum number of entries in astore has been reached.
KErrMMEtelCallTerminated 	-3209 	Remote user (or network) has terminated an ongoing call.
KErrMMEtelFormatNotSupported 	-3210 	The client requested a message format that is not supported by TSY anor phone.
KErrMMEtelHiddenEntry 	-3211 	The phonebook entry is hidden.This is a USIM phonebook specific error.
KErrMMEtelFallbacktoVoice 	-3212 	The request to answer a multimedia call has failed because the network can now only support voice.
KErrMMEtelMacVerificationFailed 	-3213 	Authentication derived MAC does not match locally calculated MAC
KErrMMEtelSqnVerificationFailed 	-3214 	Authentication derived SQN value is not in the expected range
KErrMMEtelAuthenticateFailed 	-3215 	Authenticate command failed

Error codes for use with Smart card application APIs.
KErrMMEtelScMaxApplicationsActive 	-3216 	Application cannot be activated as maximum number of applications already active.
KErrMMEtelScNoInfoNonVolatileMemoryUnchanged 	-3217 	No information given, the state of the non-volatile memory is unchanged.
KErrMMEtelScNoInfoNonVolatileMemoryChanged 	-3218 	No information given, the state of the non-volatile memory is changed.
KErrMMEtelScReturnedDataCorrupt 	-3219 	Part of the returned data may be corrupt.
KErrMMEtelScEofReached 	-3220 	End of file reached before reading requested number of bytes or records have been read.
KErrMMEtelScFileInvalidated 	-3221	Selected file is invalidated.
KErrMMEtelScNoMemory 	-3222	The smart card had a memory problem when executing the command.
KErrMMEtelScWrongLength 	-3223	Wrong length
KErrMMEtelScGeneral 	-3224 	Technical problem, no precise diagnosis
KErrMMEtelScIncompatibleFileStructure 	-3225 	Command incompatible with file structure
KErrMMEtelScReferencedDataInvalidated 	-3226 	Referenced data invalidated
KErrMMEtelScFunctionNotSupported 	-3227 	Function not supported
KErrMMEtelScFileNotFound 	-3228 	File not found
KErrMMEtelScRecordNotFound 	-3229	Record not found
KErrMMEtelScReferencedDataNotFound 	-3230	Referenced data not found
KErrMMEtelScApplicationNotActive 	-3231 	Application not activate.

CDMA network errors that will be generated by networks
KErrCdmaSmsAddressVacant 	-3256 	SMS destination address is valid but not currently allocated to an SMS terminal.
KErrCdmaSmsAddressTranslationFailure 	-3257 	SMS destination address is invalid.
KErrCdmaSmsNetworkResourceShortage 	-3258 	Network transmissionfailed due to lack of network resource or link capacity.
KErrCdmaSmsNetworkFailure 	-3259 	A network node failed, a link failed or a required operation failed.
KErrCdmaSmsInvalidTeleserviceId 	-3260 	SMS Teleservice ID is either not known or not supported.
KErrCdmaSmsOtherNetworkProblem 	-3261 	A network problem other than identified by above error codes.
KErrCdmaSmsNoPageResponse 	-3262 	The addressed MS-based SME is known but it does not respond to a page.
KErrCdmaSmsDestinationBusy 	-3263 	The addressed MS-based SME is SMS capable but is currently engaged in a call, a service or a call mode that precludes the use of SMS.
KErrCdmaSmsNoAcknowledgement 	-3264 	The destination SME does not acknowledge receipt of the SMS delivery.
KErrCdmaSmsDestinationResourceShortage 	-3265 	A required terminal resource (e.g.memory) is not available to process this message.
KErrCdmaSmsDeliveryPostponed 	-3266 	Delivery is not currently possible but SMS notification is pending.
KErrCdmaSmsOtherNetworkProblem 	-3267 	The addressed destination is out of service for an extended period of time.
KErrCdmaSmsDestinationNoLongerAtAddress 	-3268 	The MS based SME is no longer at the temporary SMS routing address.
KErrCdmaSmsOtherTerminalProblem 	-3269 	A terminal problem other than identified by the above error codes.
KErrCdmaSmsRadioInterfaceResourceShortage 	-3320 	There is no channel available or there is radio congestion at this time.
KErrCdmaSmsRadioInterfaceIncompatibility 	-3321 	The MS for an MS-based SME is operating in a mode that does not support SMS at this time.
KErrCdmaSmsOtherRadioInterfaceProblem 	-3322 	A radio interface problem other than identified by the above error codes.
KErrCdmaSmsEncodingProblem 	-3352 	The size of a parameter or field is not what is expected.
KErrCdmaSmsOriginationDenied 	-3353 	The originating MIN is not recognized, the originating address is not allowed for the originating MIN, the ESN doesn't match the originating MIN, the origination is not authorized, the originating address is not recognized, etc.
KErrCdmaSmsTerminationDenied 	-3354 	The destination is not authorized to receive the SMS message, the MC refused the message, the destination SME refused the message, the destination is not authorized for a required supplementary service, etc.
KErrCdmaSmsSupplServiceNotSupported 	-3355 	The originating supplementary service is not known or supported, the sender is not authorized for an originating supplementary service, etc.
KErrCdmaSmsSmsNotSupported 	-3356 	SMS is not supported by an addressed functional entity.
KErrCdmaSmsMissingExpectedParameter 	-3358 	An optional parameter is missing that is required for a particular function.
KErrCdmaSmsMissingMandatoryParameter 	-3359 	A parameter is missing that is mandatory for a particular message.
KErrCdmaSmsUnrecognizedParameterValue 	-3360 	A known parameter has an unknown or unsupported value.
KErrCdmaSmsUnexpectedParameterValue 	-3361 	A known parameter has a known, but unexpected value.
KErrCdmaSmsUserDataSizeError 	-3362 	The User Data size is too large for access technology, transport network, or call mode, etc. The User Data size is not what is expected for the indicated teleservice.
KErrCdmaSmsOtherGeneralProblem 	-3363 	Other general problems.
KErrGenConnDatabaseDefaultUndefined	-3606 	"No Internet accounts have been set up. Set up an account in Control panel."
KErrGenConnDatabaseTypeUnknown	-3607 	"CommDb error"
KErrGenConnDatabaseNotFound	-3608 	"CommDb error"
KErrGenConnNoGPRSNetwork	-3609 	"No Packet network available"
KErrGenConnIncorrectMSClass	-3610 	"Phone capabilities insufficient for required services"
KErrGenConnInadequateSignalStrengh	-3611 	"Signal strength too low for connection, try again later"
KErrGenConnStateMachineNotAvailable	-3612 	"State Machine not available for connection"
Etel GSM Errors
Radio Resource Layer (GSM 4.08)	
KErrGsmRRUnspecifedAbnormalRelease 	-4001
KErrGsmRRChannelUnacceptable 	-4002
KErrGsmRRTimerExpired 	-4003
KErrGsmRRNoActivityOnRadioPath 	-4004
KErrGsmRRPreEmptiveRelease 	-4005
KErrGsmRRCallAlreadyCleared 	-4065
KErrGsmRRInvalidMessage 	-4095
KErrGsmRRNonExistentMessage 	-4097
KErrGsmRRIncompatibleMessageWithCallState 	-4098
KErrGsmRRInvalidInformationElement 	-4100
KErrGsmRRUnspecifiedProtocolError 	-4111
Mobility Management Layer (GSM 4.08)	
KErrGsmMMUnallocatedTmsi 	-4129
KErrGsmMMImsiUnknownInHlr 	-4130
KErrGsmMMIllegalMs 	-4131
KErrGsmMMImsiUnknownInVlr 	-4132
KErrGsmMMImeiNotAccepted 	-4133
KErrGsmMMIllegalMe 	-4134
KErrGsmMMPlmnNotAllowed 	-4139
KErrGsmMMLocationAreaNotAllowed 	-4140
KErrGsmMMRoamingNotAllowedInThisLocationArea 	-4141
KErrGsmMMNoSuitableCellsInArea 	-4143
KErrGsmMMNetworkFailure 	-4145
KErrGsmMMMacFailure 	-4148
KErrGsmMMSynchFailure 	-4149
KErrGsmMMCongestion 	-4150
KErrGsmMMGsmAuthenticationUnacceptable 	-4151
KErrGprsActivationRejected	-4159
KErrGsmMMServiceOptionNotSupported 	-4160
KErrGsmMMServiceOptionNotSubscribed 	-4161
KErrGsmMMServiceOptionTemporaryOutOfOrder 	-4162
KErrGsmMMCallCanNotBeIdentified 	-4166
KErrGsmMMSemanticErrorInMessage 	-4223
KErrGsmMMMandatoryInformationElementError 	-4224
KErrGsmMMNonExistentMessageType 	-4225
KErrGsmMMIncompatibleMessageWithProtocolState 	-4226
KErrGsmMMNonExistentInformationElement 	-4227
KErrGsmMMConditionalIEError 	-4228
KErrGsmMMIncompatibleMessageWithCallState 	-4229
KErrGsmMMUnspecifiedProtocolError 	-4239
Call Control Layer (GSM 04.08) 	
KErrGsmCCUnassignedNumber 	-4257
KErrGsmCCNoRouteToTransitNetwork 	-4258
KErrGsmCCNoRouteToDestination 	-4259
KErrGsmCCChannelUnacceptable 	-4262
KErrGsmCCOperatorDeterminedBarring 	-4264
KErrGsmCCNormalCallClearing 	-4272
KErrGsmCCUserBusy 	-4273
KErrGsmCCUserNotResponding 	-4274
KErrGsmCCUserAlertingNoAnswer 	-4275
KErrGsmCCCallRejected 	-4277
KErrGsmCCNumberChanged 	-4278
KErrGsmCCPreemption 	-4281
KErrGsmCCNonSelectedUserClearing 	-4282
KErrGsmCCDestinationOutOfOrder 	-4283
KErrGsmCCInvalidNumberFormat 	-4284
KErrGsmCCFacilityRejected 	-4285
KErrGsmCCResponseToStatusEnquiry 	-4286
KErrGsmCCNormalUnspecified 	-4287
KErrGsmCCNoChannelAvailable 	-4290
KErrGsmCCNetworkOutOfOrder 	-4294
KErrGsmCCTemporaryFailure 	-4297
KErrGsmCCSwitchingEquipmentCongestion 	-4298
KErrGsmCCAccessInformationDiscarded 	-4299
KErrGsmCCRequestedChannelNotAvailable 	-4300
KErrGsmCCResourceNotAvailable 	-4303
KErrGsmCCQualityOfServiceNotAvailable 	-4305
KErrGsmCCRequestedFacilityNotSubscribed 	-4306
KErrGsmCCIncomingCallsBarredInCug 	-4311
KErrGsmCCBearerCapabilityNotAuthorised 	-4313
KErrGsmCCBearerCapabilityNotCurrentlyAvailable 	-4314
KErrGsmCCServiceNotAvailable 	-4319
KErrGsmCCBearerServiceNotImplemented 	-4321
KErrGsmCCChannelTypeNotImplemented 	-4322
KErrGsmCCAcmGreaterThanAcmMax 	-4324
KErrGsmCCRequestedFacilityNotImplemented 	-4325
KErrGsmCCOnlyRestrictedDigitalInformationBCAvailable 	-4326
KErrGsmCCServiceNotImplemented 	-4335
KErrGsmCCInvalidCallReferenceValue 	-4337
KErrGsmCCChannelDoesNotExist 	-4338
KErrGsmCCSuspendedCallExistsButCallIdentityDoesNotWork 	-4339
KErrGsmCCCallIdentityInUse 	-4340
KErrGsmCCNoCallSuspended 	-4341
KErrGsmCCRequestedCallIdentityAlreadyCleared 	-4342
KErrGsmCCUserNotInCug 	-4343
KErrGsmCCIncompatibleDestination 	-4344
KErrGsmCCInvalidTransitNetworkSelection 	-4347
KErrGsmCCIncompatibleSegmentedMessage 	-4350
KErrGsmCCSemanticallyIncorrectMessage 	-4351
KErrGsmCCInvalidMandatoryInformation 	-4352
KErrGsmCCNonExistentMessageType 	-4353
KErrGsmCCIncompatibleMessageInProtocolState 	-4354
KErrGsmCCNonExistentInformationElement 	-4355
KErrGsmCCConditionalIEError 	-4356
KErrGsmCCIncompatibleMessageInCallState 	-4357
KErrGsmCCRecoveryOnTimerExpiry 	-4358
KErrGsmCCUnspecifiedProtocolError 	-4367
KErrGsmCCUnspecifiedInterworkingError 	-4383
Supplementary Services Layer (GSM 04.80) 	
KErrGsmSSUnknownSubscriber 	-4385
KErrGsmSSIllegalSubscriber 	-4393
KErrGsmSSBearerServiceNotProvisioned 	-4394
KErrGsmSSTeleserviceNotProvisioned 	-4395
KErrGsmSSIllegalEquipment 	-4396
KErrGsmSSCallBarred 	-4397
KErrGsmSSIllegalOperation 	-4400
KErrGsmSSErrorStatus 	-4401
KErrGsmSSNotAvailable 	-4402
KErrGsmSSSubscriptionViolation 	-4403
KErrGsmSSIncompatibility 	-4404
KErrGsmSSFacilityNotSupported 	-4405
KErrGsmSSAbsentSubscriber 	-4411
KErrGsmSSSystemFailure 	-4418
KErrGsmSSDataMissing 	-4419
KErrGsmSSUnexpectedDataValue 	-4420
KErrGsmSSPasswordRegistrationFailure 	-4421
KErrGsmSSNegativePasswordCheck 	-4422
KErrGsmSSPasswordAttemptsViolation 	-4427
KErrGsmSSUnknownAlphabet 	-4455
KErrGsmSSUssdBusy 	-4456
KErrGsmSSMaxNumMptyParticipants 	-4510
KErrGsmSSResourcesUnavailable 	-4511
SMS Layer (GSM 04.11) 	
KErrGsmSMSUnassignedNumber 	-4513
KErrGsmSMSOperatorDeterminedBarring 	-4520
KErrGsmSMSCallBarred 	-4522
KErrGsmSMSReserved 	-4523
KErrGsmSMSNetworkFailure 	-4529
KErrGsmSMSShortMessageTransferRejected 	-4533
KErrGsmSMSMemoryCapacityExceeded 	-4534
KErrGsmSMSDestinationOutOfOrder 	-4539
KErrGsmSMSUnidentifiedSubscriber 	-4540
KErrGsmSMSFacilityRejected 	-4541
KErrGsmSMSUnknownSubscriber 	-4542
KErrGsmSMSNetworkOutOfOrder 	-4550
KErrGsmSMSTemporaryFailure 	-4553
KErrGsmSMSCongestion 	-4554
KErrGsmSMSResourcesUnavailable 	-4559
KErrGsmSMSRequestedFacilityNotSubscribed 	-4562
KErrGsmSMSRequestedFacilityNotImplemented 	-4581
KErrGsmSMSInvalidShortMessageTransferReferenceValue 	-4593
KErrGsmSMSUnspecifiedInvalidMessage 	-4607
KErrGsmSMSInvalidMandatoryInformation 	-4608
KErrGsmSMSNonExistentMessageType 	-4609
KErrGsmSMSIncompatibleMessageWithSmsProtocolState 	-4610
KErrGsmSMSInformationElementNotImplemented 	-4611
KErrGsmSMSUnspecifiedProtocolError 	-4623
KErrGsmSMSUnspecifiedInterworkingError 	-4639
SMS Layer (GSM 03.40) 	
KErrGsmSMSTelematicInterworkingNotSupported 	-4640
KErrGsmSMSShortMessageType0NotSupported 	-4641
KErrGsmSMSCannotReplaceShortMessage 	-4642
KErrGsmSMSUnspecifiedPIDError 	-4655
KErrGsmSMSDataCodingSchemeNotSupported 	-4656
KErrGsmSMSMessageClassNotSupported 	-4657
KErrGsmSMSUnspecifiedDCSError 	-4671
KErrGsmSMSCommandCannotBeActioned 	-4672
KErrGsmSMSCommandNotSupported 	-4673
KErrGsmSMSUnspecifiedCommandError 	-4687
KErrGsmSMSTpduNotSupported 	-4688
KErrGsmSMSServiceCentreBusy 	-4704
KErrGsmSMSNoSCSubscription 	-4705
KErrGsmSMSSCSystemFailure 	-4706
KErrGsmSMSInvalidSMEAddress 	-4707
KErrGsmSMSDestinationSMEBarred 	-4708
KErrGsmSMSDuplicateSM 	-4709
KErrGsmSMSTPVPFNotSupported 	-4710
KErrGsmSMSTPVPNotSupported 	-4711
KErrGsmSMSSimSMSStorageFull 	-4720
KErrGsmSMSNoSMSStorageCapabilityInSim 	-4721
KErrGsmSMSErrorInMS 	-4722
KErrGsmSMSMemCapacityExceeded 	-4723
KErrGsmSMSSimAppToolkitBusy 	-4724
KErrGsmSMSUnspecifiedErrorCause 	-4767
SMS / AT Commands (GSM 07.05) 	
KErrGsmSMSFailureInME 	-4812
KErrGsmSMSServiceOfMSReserved 	-4813
KErrGsmSMSOperationNotAllowed 	-4814
KErrGsmSMSOperationNotSupported 	-4815
KErrGsmSMSInvalidPDUModeParameter 	-4816
KErrGsmSMSInvalidTextModeParameter 	-4817
KErrGsmSMSSimNotInserted 	-4822
KErrGsmSMSSimPin1Required 	-4823
KErrGsmSMSPhoneToSimLockRequired 	-4824
KErrGsmSMSSimFailure 	-4825
KErrGsmSMSSimBusy 	-4826
KErrGsmSMSSimWrong 	-4827
KErrGsmSMSSimPuk1Required 	-4828
KErrGsmSMSPin2Required 	-4829
KErrGsmSMSPuk2Required 	-4830
KErrGsmSMSMemoryFailure 	-4832
KErrGsmSMSInvalidMemoryIndex 	-4833
KErrGsmSMSMemoryFull 	-4834
KErrGsmSMSUnknownSCAddress 	-4842
KErrGsmSMSNoNetworkService 	-4843
KErrGsmSMSNetworkTimeout 	-4844
KErrGsmSMSCnmaAckNotExpected 	-4852
KErrGsmSMSUnknownError 	-5012
URI Utils Errors
KUriUtilsErrBadComponentIndex 	-5000 	Error specifying the use of an invalid component index
KUriUtilsErrBadBasePath 	-5001 	Error specifying the use of a base uri path is not absolute and not empty
KUriUtilsErrBufferOverflow 	-5002 	Error specifying that a buffer is not big enough to append a component and delimiters
KUriUtilsErrBadDelimitedParserMode 	-5003 	Error specifying the use of an supported parsing mode
KUriUtilsErrNoDelimiter 	-5004 	Error specifying that the delimiting character is not set
KUriUtilsErrNotParsed 	-5005 	Error specifying that the data has not been parsed
KUriUtilsErr16BitChar 	-5006 	Error specifying that a 16-bit character was found in data to be escape encode
KUriUtilsErrBadEscapeTriple 	-5007 	Error specifying that a badly formed escape triple was found in data being escape decoded
KUriUtilsCannotConvert 	-5008 	Error specifying that charconv was unable to convert the input data
KUriUtilsErrEmptyData 	-5009 	Error specifying that there was empty data
KUriUtilsErrNoIntegerInData 	-5010 	Error specifying that there is no character representation of an integer
KUriUtilsErrInvalidUri 	-5011 	Error code specifying an invalid uri
KUriUtilsErrBadEscapeMode 	-5012 	Error code for unsupported escaping mode
KUriUtilsErrBadTextRemoveMode 	-5013 	Error code for unsupported text whitespace removal mode
KUriUtilsErrDecodeMalformedQuotedString 	-5014 	Quoted string could not be decoded as it is malformed
GSM AT Commands Errors
KErrGsm0707PhoneFailure 	-5024
KErrGsm0707NoConnectionToPhone 	-5025
KErrGsm0707PhoneLinkReserved 	-5026
KErrGsm0707OperationNotAllowed 	-5027
KErrGsm0707OperationNotSupported 	-5028
KErrGsm0707PhoneToSimLockRequired 	-5029
KErrGsm0707SimNotInserted 	-5034
KErrGsm0707SimPin1Required 	-5035
KErrGsm0707SIMPuk1Required 	-5036
KErrGsm0707SimFailure 	-5037
KErrGsm0707SimBusy 	-5038
KErrGsm0707SimWrong 	-5039
KErrGsm0707IncorrectPassword 	-5040
KErrGsm0707SimPin2Required 	-5041
KErrGsm0707SIMPuk2Required 	-5042
KErrGsm0707MemoryFull 	-5044
KErrGsm0707InvalidIndex 	-5045
KErrGsm0707NotFound 	-5046
KErrGsm0707MemoryFailure 	-5047
KErrGsm0707TextStringTooLong 	-5048
KErrGsm0707InvalidCharsInTextString 	-5049
KErrGsm0707DialStringTooLong 	-5050
KErrGsm0707InvalidCharsInDialString 	-5051
KErrGsm0707NoNetworkService 	-5054
KErrGsm0707NetworkTimeout 	-5055
KErrGsm0707UnknownError 	-5124
TCP/IP (v6)
TCP/IP v6		
tcpip6_error_NoDestination 	-5100 	IPv6: flow has no destination address
tcpip6_error_NoPathMtu 	-5101 	IPv6: Misconfigured driver not giving proper MTU
tcpip6_error_ShortPacket 	-5102 	IPv6: A packet in RMBUF is too short
tcpip6_error_DuplicateAddress 	-5103 	IPv6: Duplicate address detected on a device
tcpip6_error_AddressExpired 	-5104 	IPv6: Source Address used by connection has expired
tcpip6_error_NoRoute 	-5105 	IPv6: No route available
DndTimedOut 	-5120 	No response from DNS server
DndHostNotFound 	-5121 	Host not found
DndInternalError 	-5122 	Internal error in host name resolver
DndInternalError 	-5123 	Internal error in host name resolver
DndInternalError 	-5124 	Internal error in host name resolver
DndNoAnswer 	-5125 	DNS server couldn't answer query
DndNoAnswer 	-5126 	DNS server couldn't answer query
DndHostNotFound 	-5127 	Host not found
DndNoAnswer 	-5128 	DNS server couldn't answer query
DndRefused 	-5129 	DNS server refused connection
DndInternalError 	-5130 	Internal error in host name resolver
DndHostNotFound 	-5131 	Host not found
DndNameTooBig 	-5132 	Invalid Host Name (too long)
DndInternalError 	-5133 	Internal error in host name resolver
DndRetry 	-5134 	
IPSEC Errors
EIpsec_NotANATTPacket 	-5154 	UDP packet is NOT a NAT Taversal packet
EIpsec_NoInnerSource 	-5155 	Cannot find inner-src for outbound packet when tunneling (for SECPOL)
EIpsec_LostSA 	-5156 	An SA has been lost betweenApply andVerify, expired? (for SECPOL)
EIpsec_IcmpError 	-5157 	An ICMP error report containing AH orESP (for INET6)
EIpsec_PolicyUnknownSelector 	-5158 	unknown selector keyword
EIpsec_PolicyInboundOutbound 	-5159 	Only one of the 'inbound' or 'outbound' is allowed
EIpsec_PolicyIpMaskExpected 	-5160 	Expected IP address (as mask) here
EIpsec_PolicyIpAddressExpected 	-5161 	Expected IP address here
EIpsec_PolicyInvalidIpAddress 	-5162 	Invalid IP address
EIpsec_PolicyRightParen 	-5163 	Right parenthesis expected
EIpsec_PolicyLeftParen 	-5164 	Left parenthesis expected
EIpsec_PolicySpecNotFound 	-5165 	SA specification is not defined before reference in selector
EIpsec_PolicySyntaxError 	-5166 	Generic delimiter error inspecification
EIpsec_PolicySpecName 	-5167 	SA specification name missing or invalid
EIpsec_PolicyNoEncryptAlgorithm 	-5168 	ESP specification must include encryptionb algorithm
EIpsec_PolicyNoAuthAlgorithm 	-5169 	AH specification must include authentication algorithm
EIpsec_PolicyTooManyTypes 	-5170 	Type can be specified onlyonce for specification
EIpsec_PolicyNoType 	-5171 	SA type (AH or ESP) omittedfromspecification
EIpsec_PolicyCloseBraceExpected	-5172 	closing brace expected
EIpsec_PolicyNumberExpected 	-5173 	number value expected
EIpsec_PolicyUnknownSpec 	-5174 	unknown policy specification keyword
EIpsec_PolicyInvalidIdentity 	-5175 	invalid identity syntax
EIpsec_PolicyIdentityDefined 	-5176 	identify already defined
EIpsec_PolicyUnknownAuth 	-5177 	algorithm not defined in algorithm map
EIpsec_PolicyUnknownEncrypt 	-5178 	algorithm not defined in algorithm map
EIpsec_UnavailableDigest 	-5179 	No installed library implements the digest
EIpsec_UnavailableCipher 	-5180 	No installed library implements the cipher
EIpsec_UnknownDigestNumber 	-5181 	Attempting to use algorithmnumber that is not known
EIpsec_UnknownCipherNumber 	-5182 	Attempting to use algorithmnumber that is not known
EIpsec_BadCipherKey 	-5183 	Key in SA is too short (forthe algorithm) or is weak
EIpsec_MismatchDestinationIdentity 	-5184 	destination identity does not match
EIpsec_MismatchSourceIdentity 	-5185 	source identity does not match
EIpsec_MismatchProtocol 	-5186 	protocol does not match
EIpsec_MismatchDestinationPort 	-5187 	destination port does not match
EIpsec_MismatchSourcePort 	-5188 	source port does not match
EIpsec_MismatchProxy 	-5189 	proxy address does not match
EIpsec_MismatchSource 	-5190 	source address does not match
EIpsec_MismatchReplayWindow 	-5191 	ReplayWindow length is shorter than required
EIpsec_MismatchedEncryptAlg 	-5192 	Encrypt algorithm doesn't match
EIpsec_MismatchedAuthAlg 	-5193 	Auth algorithm doesn't match
EIpsec_MismatchedPFS 	-5194 	PFS bit is not same
EIpsec_MismatchedType 	-5195 	SA Type (AH/ESP) does not match
EIpsec_MismatchedDestination 	-5196 	SA destination does not match (internal error?)
EIpsec_AcquireFailed 	-5197 	Acquiring SA failed (no SAavailableor negotiated)
EIpsec_EspBadCipherBlockSize 	-5198 	Configuration error, cipherblock size must be < 256
EIpsec_EspSequenceWrap 	-5199 	Outbound sequence # wrappedaround for this SA
EIpsec_AhSequenceWrap 	-5200 	Outbound sequence # wrappedaround for this SA
EIpsec_AhPacketTooLong 	-5201 	Outbound packet would exeed2**16-1 with AH
EIpsec_AhRMBufSplit 	-5202 	Inbound AH processing failed (Memory?)
EIpsec_NoBundle 	-5203 	Incoming packet had transforms, but policy doesn't require any
EIpsec_TooManyTransforms 	-5204 	Incoming packet had more transforms than policy requires
EIpsec_UnrequiredSA 	-5205 	Applied SA where policy hasnone
EIpsec_MismatchedSA 	-5206 	Applied SA does not match the policy
EIpsec_TunnelMismatch 	-5207 	Tunnelmode does not match the policy
EIpsec_TooFewTransforms 	-5208 	Incoming packet has less transforms than policy requires
EIpsec_MaxTransforms 	-5209 	Incoming packet exceed configured maxlimit of transforms
EIpsec_NoSelectorMatch 	-5210 	None of the policy selectors matched
EIpsec_OutboundPending 	-5211 	Outbooud SA does not exits,ACQUIRE pending
EIpsec_OutboundNotFound 	-5212 	Outbound SA does not exist,ACQUIRE started
EIpsec_ReplayDuplicate 	-5213 	Duplicate packet (replay window test)
EIpsec_EspPadLength 	-5214 	The ESP pad length is corrupt (probably wrong key)
EIpsec_EspPadByte 	-5215 	The ESP pad byte content isinvalid (probably wrong key)
EIpsec_DataAlignment 	-5216 	Data not aligned by block size
EIpsec_PacketLength 	-5217 	Invalid lenght of the packet
EIpsec_AhAuthentication 	-5218 	Authentication check failedin AH
EIpsec_AhIcvLength 	-5219 	ICV length in packet does not match algorithm
EIpsec_AhInboundSA 	-5220 	The inbound SA for AH doesnot exist
EIpsec_AhAuthAlg 	-5221 	Required auth algorithm forAH not available/installed
EIpsec_EspEncrAlg 	-5222 	Required encrypt algorithmfor ESP not available/installed
EIpsec_EspAuthAlg 	-5223 	Required auth algorithm forESP not available/installed
EIpsec_EspAuthentication 	-5224 	Authentication check failedin ESP
EIpsec_EspInboundSA 	-5225 	The inbound SA for ESP doesnot exist
EIpsec_CorruptPacketOut 	-5226 	Corrupt packet after IPSECoperations
EIpsec_CorruptPacketIn 	-5227 	Truncated or corrupt packetor header(in)
EIpsec_RMBUF 	-5228 	RMBUF operation failed unexpectedly
WAP: WSP, WTP, WDP and WTLS Errors
RWAPConn::EMoreData 	-5500
RWAPConn::EBearerError 	-5499
RWAPConn::EPortAlreadyBound 	-5498
RWAPConn::ECannotOpenPort 	-5497
RWAPConn::ETooManyConnections 	-5496
RWAPConn::EBadConnection 	-5495
RWAPConn::EBufferTooSmall 	-5494
RWSPCOConn::EBufferTooSmall 	-5475
RWSPCOConn::EInvalidSession 	-5474
RWSPCOConn::EInvalidTransaction	-5473
RWSPCOConn::EParameterError 	-5472
RWSPCOConn::ESessionNotConnected 	-5471
RWSPCOConn::ENotSupported 	-5470
RWSPCOConn::EInvalidState 	-5469
RWSPCOConn::ESessionClosed 	-5468
RWSPCOConn::EMRUExceeded 	-5467
RWSPCOConn::EInvalidBufferSize	-5466
RWSPCOConn::EDataNotAvailable 	-5465
RWSPCOConn::EErrorTimeout 	-5464
RWSPCLConn::EBufferTooSmall 	-5450
RWSPCLConn::EInvalidSession 	-5449
RWSPCLConn::EParameterError 	-5448
RWSPCLConn::ESessionNotConnected 	-5447
RWSPCLConn::ENotSupported 	-5446
RWSPCLConn::EInvalidState 	-5445
RWSPCLConn::ESessionClosed 	-5444
RWSPCLConn::EMRUExceeded 	-5443
RWSPCLConn::EInvalidBufferSize	-5442
RWSPCLConn::EDataNotAvailable 	-5441
RWSPCLConn::EErrorTimeout 	-5440
RWTPConn::ENoMemory 	-5425
RWTPConn::EBadArgument 	-5424
RWTPConn::EProviderProtoErr 	-5423
RWTPConn::EProviderAbortInvalidTID 	-5422
RWTPConn::EProviderAbortNoClass2 	-5421
RWTPConn::EProviderAbortNoSAR 	-5420
RWTPConn::EProviderAbortNoUACK 	-5419
RWTPConn::EProviderAbortVers1 	-5418
RWTPConn::EProviderAbortNoResponse 	-5417
RWTPConn::EProviderAbortMsgTooLarge	-5416
RWTPConn::EProviderAbortGeneral 	-5415
RWTPConn::EShutdownError 	-5414
RWDPConn::EInvalidParameter 	-5400
RWTLS::EOutOfMemory 	-5375
RWTLS::ESocketError 	-5374
RWTLS::EBadParameters 	-5373
RWTLS::ESocketError2 	-5372
RWTLS::EResumeIDNotFound 	-5371
RWTLS::EResumeError 	-5370
RWTLS::ERenegotiationRequest 	-5369
RWTLS::EIllegalCall 	-5368
RWTLS::EConnectionCloseNotify 	-5367
RWTLS::ESessionCloseNotify 	-5366
RWTLS::ENoConnection 	-5365
RWTLS::EUnexpectedMessage 	-5364
RWTLS::EBadRecordMac 	-5363
RWTLS::EDecryptionFailed 	-5362
RWTLS::ERecordOverflow 	-5361
RWTLS::EHandshakeFailure 	-5360
RWTLS::EDecompressionFailure 	-5359
RWTLS::EBadCertificate 	-5358
RWTLS::EUnsupportedCertificate 	-5357
RWTLS::ECertificateRevoked 	-5356
RWTLS::ECertificateExpired 	-5355
RWTLS::ECertificateUnknown 	-5354
RWTLS::EIllegalParameter 	-5353
RWTLS::EUnknownCA 	-5352
RWTLS::EAccessDenied 	-5351
RWTLS::EDecodeError 	-5350
RWTLS::EDecryptError 	-5349
RWTLS::EUnknownKeyId 	-5348
RWTLS::EDisableKeyId 	-5347
RWTLS::EKeyExchangeDisabled 	-5346
RWTLS::ESessionNotReady 	-5345
RWTLS::EUnknownParameterIndex 	-5344
RWTLS::EDuplicateFinishedRecv 	-5343
RWTLS::EExportRestriction 	-5342
RWTLS::EProtocolVersion 	-5341
RWTLS::EInsufficientSecurity 	-5340
RWTLS::EInternalError 	-5339
RWTLS::EUserCanceled 	-5338
RWTLS::ENoRenegotiation 	-5337
RWTLS::EErrGeneral 	-5336
RWTLS::EErrBulk 	-5335
RWTLS::EErrMac 	-5334
RWTLS::EErrSequenceNumberMode 	-5333
RWTLS::EErrKeyRefreshRate 	-5332
RWTLS::EUnknownPolicy 	-5331
OBEX - IrTranP
KErrIrObexClientNoDevicesFound 	-5501	"No other device found"
KErrIrObexClientPeerDoesNotHaveObex 	-5502	"Other device cannot handle OBEX"
KErrIrObexClientPutPeerAborted 	-5503	"Other device aborted the transfer"
KErrIrObexServerPutPeerAborted 	-5507	"Peer device aborted data transmission/OBEX sending"
KErrIrObexConnectChallRejected 	-5512	"Authentication challenge rejected"
KErrIrtranpPeerDoesNotHaveIrtranp 	-5530 	
KErrIrObexRespSuccess	-5532 	
KErrIrObexRespCreated	-5533 	
KErrIrObexRespAccepted 	-5534 	
KErrIrObexRespNonAuthInfo	-5535 	
KErrIrObexRespNoContent	-5536 	
KErrIrObexRespResetContent	-5537 	
KErrIrObexRespPartialContent	-5538 	
KErrIrObexRespMultipleChoices	-5548 	
KErrIrObexRespMovedPerm	-5549 	
KErrIrObexRespMovedTemp	-5550 	
KErrIrObexRespSeeOther	-5551 	
KErrIrObexRespNotModified	-5552 	
KErrIrObexRespUseProxy	-5553 	
KErrIrObexRespBadRequest	-5564 	
KErrIrObexRespUnauthorized	-5565 	
KErrIrObexRespPaymentRequired	-5566 	
KErrIrObexRespForbidden	-5567 	
KErrIrObexRespNotFound	-5568 	
KErrIrObexRespMethodNotAllowed	-5569 	
KErrIrObexRespNotAcceptable	-5570 	
KErrIrObexRespProxyAuthenReqd	-5571 	
KErrIrObexRespTimedOut	-5572 	
KErrIrObexRespConflict	-5573 	
KErrIrObexRespGone	-5574 	
KErrIrObexRespLengthReqd	-5575 	
KErrIrObexRespPreCondFailed	-5576 	
KErrIrObexRespReqEntityTooLarge	-5577 	
KErrIrObexRespReqURLTooLarge	-5578 	
KErrIrObexRespUnsupMediaType	-5579 	
KErrIrObexRespInternalError	-5580 	
KErrIrObexRespNotImplemented	-5581 	
KErrIrObexRespBadGateway	-5582 	
KErrIrObexRespServiceUnavail	-5583 	
KErrIrObexRespGatewayTimeout	-5584 	
KErrIrObexRespHTTPVerNotSupp	-5585 	
KErrIrObexRespDatabaseFull	-5596 	
KErrIrObexRespDatabaseLocked	-5597 	
VCard/VCal Parser Errors
KVersitErrCodeBase 	-5750
KVersitErrBadDateTime 	-5751
KVersitErrRepeatTypeNotHandled 	-5752
KVersitErrBadRepeatValue 	-5753
KVersitErrBadTimeZone 	-5754
KVersitErrBadTimePeriod 	-5755
KVersitErrNumberExpected 	-5756
KVersitErrNestedVcardExpected 	-5757
KVersitErrNoPropertyName 	-5758
Bluetooth Errors
HCI	THCIErrorCode 	Global Error Code
EOK 	0x00 	-6000
EUnknownOpcode 	0x01 	-6001
ENoConnection 	0x02 	-6002
EHardwareFail 	0x03 	-6003
EPageTimedOut 	0x04 	-6004
EAuthenticationFailure 	0x05 	-6005
EKeyMissing 	0x06 	-6006
EKeyMemoryFull 	0x07 	-6007
EConnectionTimeout 	0x08 	-6008
EMaxConnections 	0x09 	-6009
EMaxSCOConnections 	0x0a 	-6010
EMaxACLConnections 	0x0b 	-6011
ECommandDisallowed 	0x0c 	-6012
EHostResourceRejection 	0x0d 	-6013
EHostSecurityRejection 	0x0e 	-6014
EHostPersonalDeviceRejection 	0x0f 	-6015
ERemoteHostTimeout 	0x10 	-6016
EUnsupportedParameter 	0x11 	-6017
EInvalidHCIParameter 	0x12 	-6018
ERemoteUserEndedConnection 	0x13 	-6019
ERemoteLowResources 	0x14 	-6020
ERemoteAboutToPowerOff 	0x15 	-6021
ETerminatedByLocalHost 	0x16 	-6022
ERepeatedAttempts 	0x17 	-6023
EPairingNotAllowed 	0x18 	-6024
EUnknownLMPpdu 	0x19 	-6025
EUnsupportedRemoteLMPFeature 	0x1a 	-6026
ESCOOffsetRejected 	0x1b 	-6027
ESCOIntervalRejected 	0x1c 	-6028
ESCOAirModeRejected 	0x1d 	-6029
EInvalidLMPParameters 	0x1e 	-6030
EUnspecifiedError 	0x1f 	-6031
EPending 	0x20 	-6032
KErrBadAddress	-6300
KErrSAPUnexpectedEvent	-6301
KErrBadPacketReceived	-6302
KErrL2CAPBadResponse	-6303
KErrHCIConnectFailed	-6304
KErrHCILinkDisconnection	-6305
KErrSAPNotConnected	-6306
KErrConfigBadParams	-6307
KErrConfigRejected 	-6308
KErrConfigUnknownOptions	-6309
KErrL2PeerDisconnected	-6310
KErrL2CAPAccessRequestDenied 	-6311
KErrL2CAPRequestTimeout 	-6312
KErrL2PeerRejectedCommand 	-6313
KErrHostResNameTooLong 	-6314
KErrL2CAPNoMorePSMs 	-6315
KErrL2CAPMaxTransmitExceeded 	-6316
KErrL2CAPDataControllerDetached 	-6317
KErrL2CAPConfigPending 	-6318
KErrL2CAPConfigAlreadyInProgress 	-6319
KErrL2CAPNoFreeCID 	-6321
KErrHostResNoMoreResults 	-25
KErrL2HostResNoMoreResults 	-25
KErrRfcommSAPUnexpectedEvent 	-6350
KErrRfcommAlreadyBound 	-6351
KErrRfcommBadAddress 	-6352
KErrRfcommMTUSize 	-6353
KErrRfcommFrameResponseTimeout 	-6354
KErrRfcommMuxRemoteDisconnect 	-6355
KErrRfcommNotBound 	-6356
KErrRfcommParameterNegotiationFailure 	-6357
KErrRfcommNotListening 	-6358
KErrRfcommNoMoreServerChannels 	-6359
Bluetooth AVCTP Error Codes		
KErrAvctpBadAddress	-6400 	AVCTP bad address
KErrAvctpSAPUnexpectedEvent	-6401 	AVCTP unexpected SAP event
KErrAvctpBadPacketReceived	-6402 	AVCTP bad packet received
KErrAvctpBadResponse	-6403	AVCTP bad response
KErrAvctpConnectFailed	-6404	AVCTP connect failed
KErrAvctpLinkDisconnection	-6405 	AVCTP link disconnection
KErrAvctpSAPNotConnected	-6406 	AVCTP SAP not connected
KErrAvctpPeerDisconnected	-6407 	AVCTP peer disconnection
KErrAvctpAccessRequestDenied	-6408 	AVCTP access request denied
KErrAvctpRequestTimeout	-6409 	AVCTP request timeout
KErrAvctpPeerRejectedCommand 	-6410 	AVCTP peer rejected command
Bluetooth SDP Error Codes		
KErrSdpAlreadyBound	-6400	Cannot bind to specifed sockets protocol, as already bound
KErrSdpPeerError	-6401	Remote device gave unknown error
KErrSdpClientNotConnected	-6402	Local device is not connected
KErrSdpUnsupportedVersion	-6403	Invalid/unsupported SDP version
KErrSdpBadRecordHandle	-6404	Invalid Service Record Handle
KErrSdpBadContinuationState	-6405	Invalid ContinuationState
KErrSdpServerRejectedRequest	-6406	SDP server rejected the request
KErrSdpBadRequestBufferLength	-6407	Request buffer was ill-formed
KErrSdpBadResultBufferLength	-6408	Result buffer was ill-formed
KErrSdpBadUUIDLength	-6409	UUID entry was ill-formed
KErrSdpBadResultData	-6410	Response was ill-formed
KErrSdpDatabaseFull	-6411	SDP database is full
Bluetooth Link manager Error Codes		
KErrInsufficientBasebandResources 	-6450	Insufficient baseband resources error value
KErrProxyWriteNotAvailable 	-6451	Proxy write not available error value
KErrReflexiveBluetoothLink 	-6452	Reflexive BT link error value
Other Bluetooth Errors		
KErrBluetoothRegistryCorrupt 	-6501 	
KErrBtEskError 	-6999 	BT ESK error code
PAN Agent Errors
KErrLocalRoleNotSelected	-6551 	The role state machine did not select a valid pair of roles
KErrWaitingForBasebandRoleSwitch	-6552 	Indicates that the roles selected require a baseband role switch
KErrRoleChanged	-6553 	A PAN profile role (U, GN, NAP) has changed from the requested value. This may require renegotiation of roles, a disconnection of the device, or may just be part of normal operation (eg. selecting an actual role when EPanRoleUnknown was provided as an argument)
KErrCouldNotSetCoDDuringStartup	-6554 	Could not set the Class of Device (CoD) when starting the PAN agent
KErrLocallyInitiatedDisconnect	-6555 	The local device has requested a disconnect
KErrInvalidDestinationServiceUuid	-6556 	The remote device sent an invalid destination service UUID
KErrInvalidSourceServiceUuid	-6557 	The remote device sent an invalid source service UUID
KErrCouldNotBecomePiconetMaster	-6558 	Could not role switch to become piconet master
KErrInvalidOrUnacceptableRoleCombination	-6559 	The remote device sent us a invalid role combination, or requested roles that we cannot fulfil due to our current state
KErrRemoteDeviceFailedToRespondToRoleRequests	-6560 	The remote device did not respond to our role request messages
KErrDodgyResponseFromRemoteDevice	-6561 	The remote device sent us the wrong sort of packet (eg. a response when we expected a request)
KErrAllDevicesDisconnected	-6562 	No more devices are connected
KErrListenForIncomingConnectionRequestedWithoutListeningSupport	-6563 	An attempt has been made to start a connection with incoming support only (despite the settings for outgoing connections in commdb), but the connection does not have incoming support enabled in commdb
KErrNapNotSupportedAsLocalRole	-6564 	The settings in commdb have NAP set as the fixed local role
KErrIncompatiblePacketDriver	-6565 	The packet driver has not returned us the control handle, and therefore cannot be bnep.drv
KErrUsbServiceStopped 	-6601	Used to complete an RUsb::Start request when the service ends up Idle because another client did an RUsb::Stop.
KErrUsbServiceStarted 	-6602	Used to complete an RUsb::Stop request when the service ends up Started because another client did an RUsb::Start.
Message Server Error Codes
KMsvMediaUnavailable 	-7000	There is no disk in the drive containing the Message Server index
KMsvMediaIncorrect 	-7001	There is a disk in the drive containing the Message Server index, but it is the wrong one
KMsvMediaChanged 	-7002	
KMsvIndexBackup 	-7003	
KMsvIndexRestore 	-7004	
Bookmark Database
KErrBadVersion	-7150 	The version number in the repository does not match the bookmark database version number
KErrWrongType	-7151 	The item is of the wrong type. A folder item is given where a bookmark item is required or visa versa
KErrOpenHandle	-7152 	Not all handles have been closed. A database object has been opened and has not been closed.
KErrNotOpen	-7153 	The handle has not been opened. The handle is not attached to any bookmark object
KErrReadOnly	-7154 	The bookmark item is read only and can not be modified.
KErrCyclicLoop	-7155 	An attempt has been made to set the parent of an item to an item it owns lower in the tree. This invalidate the tree structure.
KErrDatabaseLocked	-7156 	The central database store is either locked or unaccessable at this time. You may want to try again later.
KErrNoMoreSpace	-7157 	The database has no more space for new bookmark entries
KErrCorrupt	-7158 	The database is in a corrupt state
KErrNotRegistered	-7159 	A custom property with the given UID has not been reistered
KErrUidAlreadyUsed	-7160 	An attempt was made to register a property using a UID that has already been used
KErrOrphanedItem	-7161 	An orphaned item is one that is currently in the root folder due to its normal parent not being loaded. This usually occurs when folders are private but some of the bookmarks it contains are public. Some operations (such as changing the rank or order of an item) can not be performed on an orphaned object
KErrTitleAlreadyUsed	-7162 	An attempt has been made to create a folder with a title that already exists
KErrOperationDenied	-7163 	The operation is not allowed. (Like trying to delete the root folder)
KErrNotCommitted	-7164 	The operation can not be completed until the item has been committed to the database (e.g. setting the owner ID)
HTTP Error Codes
KErrHttpEncodeDefault 	-7200	Error making a default encoding of unrecognised headers
KErrHttpEncodeAccept 	-7201	Error encoding the Accept field
KErrHttpEncodeAcceptCharset 	-7202	Error encoding the Accept-Charset field
KErrHttpEncodeQValue 	-7203	Error encoding a q -value parameter
KErrHttpEncodeAuthorization 	-7204	Error encoding the Authorization field
KErrHttpEncodeBasicAuth 	-7205	Error encoding Basiccredentials
KErrHttpEncodeDigestAuth 	-7206	Error encoding Digestcredentials
KErrHttpEncodeConnection 	-7207	Error encoding the Connection field
KErrHttpEncodeContentLength 	-7208 	Error encoding the Content-Length field
KErrHttpEncodeContentType 	-7209 	Error encoding the Content-Type field
KErrHttpEncodeHost 	-7210 	Error encoding the Host field
KErrHttpEncodeHostPort 	-7211 	Error encoding the Host field's port parameter
KErrHttpEncodeTransferEncoding 	-7212 	Error encoding the Transfer-Encoding field
KErrHttpEncodeUserAgent 	-7213 	Error encoding the User-Agent field
KErrHttpEncodeDate 	-7214 	Error encoding the Date field
KErrHttpEncodeCookie 	-7215 	Error encoding the Cookie field
KErrHttpEncodeCacheControl 	-7216 	Error encoding the Cache-Control field
KErrHttpEncodePragma 	-7217 	Error encoding the Pragma field
KErrHttpEncodeIfMatch 	-7218 	Error encoding the ifmatch field
KErrHttpEncodeIfNoneMatch 	-7219 	Error encoding the ifnone match field
KErrHttpEncodeIfModifiedSince 	-7220 	Error encoding the ifmodified since field
KErrHttpEncodeIfUnmodifiedSince 	-7221 	Error encoding the ifunmodified since field
KErrHttpEncodeCookie2 	-7222 	Error encoding the Cookie2 field
KErrHttpDecodeMalformedDate 	-7260	General formatting error for date values
KErrHttpDecodeMalformedYear 	-7261	Malformed year
KErrHttpDecodeMalformedMonth 	-7262	Malformed short monthname
KErrHttpDecodeMalformedDay 	-7263	Malformed number of day in month
KErrHttpDecodeMalformedWkDay 	-7264	Malformed short day name
KErrHttpDecodeMalformedWeekDay 	-7265	Malformed long day name
KErrHttpDecodeMalformedInteger 	-7266	Malformed integer value
KErrHttpDecodeMalformedQuotedStr 	-7267	Malformed quoted string
KErrHttpDecodeAccept 	-7270 	Error decoding the Accept field
KErrHttpDecodeConnection 	-7271 	Error decoding the Connection field
KErrHttpDecodeContentLength 	-7272 	Error decoding the Content-Length field
KErrHttpDecodeContentType 	-7273 	Error decoding the Content-Type field
KErrHttpDecodeTransferEncoding 	-7274 	Error decoding the Transfer-Encoding field
KErrHttpDecodeWWWAuthenticate 	-7275 	Error decoding the WWWAuthenticate field
KErrHttpDecodeUnknownAuthScheme 	-7276 	The WWWAuthenticate field contained an unrecognised authentication scheme
KErrHttpDecodeBasicAuth 	-7277 	Error decoding a Basic WWWAuthenticate challenge
KErrHttpDecodeDigestAuth 	-7278 	Error decoding a Digest WWWAuthenticate challenge
KErrHttpDecodeCookie 	-7279 	Error decoding a Set-Cookie field
KErrHttpRedirectExceededLimit 	-7300	A uri redirected too many times, possibly indicating a circular redirection
KErrHttpRedirectUseProxy 	-7301	A server responded that the uri must be fetched via a proxy
KErrHttpRedirectNoLocationField 	-7302	A server sent a redirection response that did not include a Location header
KErrHttpUnknownParseState 	-7303	An error occured in parsing which left the parser in a unknown state
KErrHttpRequestHasBody 	-7330 	A body is provided with a method that doesn't allow bodys to be transmitted
KErrHttpRequestBodyMissing 	-7331 	A body is missing from a method that requires it
KErrHttpTraceReqWithoutMaxForwardHeader 	-7332 	Should contain The Max-Forward header
KErrHttpPostReqBodyWithoutSizeOnHTTP10 	-7333 	Body must NOT be sent chunked if using HTTP/1.0
KErrHttpInvalidHeaderInRequest 	-7334 	Request contained a response header or a entity header but no body
KErrHttpEntityHeaderMissingContentType 	-7360 	A body was provided in the request but no Content-Type header was set
KErrHttpGeneralHeaderMissingHost 	-7361 	The request URI was relative, but no Host header was set to indicate a server to connect to
KErrHttpCantResetRequestBody 	-7370 	The request body needed to be rewound but the client but it doesn't support
KErrHttpProtTransactionNotInitialised 	-7371 	The Protocol handler is not initialised
KErrHttpCannotEstablishTunnel 	-7372 	Unable to establish a tunnel.
KErrHttpInvalidUri 	-7373 	Invalid URI
KErrHttpNonPipeliningError 	-7374 	Protocol handler experienced a non-pipelining error
KErrHttpPipeliningError 	-7375 	Protocol handler experienced a pipelining error
KErrSSLNoSharedCipher 	-7401 	No shared cipher was found. The handshake failed because there was no available shared cipher supported by both the client and the server.
KErrSSLSocketBusy 	-7402 	The socket already has received data pending on it. This error is seen when StartClientHandshake is called when there is already data waiting to be read from the socket.
KErrSSLInvalidCipherSuite 	-7403 	One or more cipher suites passed as an argument was invalid.
KErrSSLInvalidCert 	-7404 	The certificate that was passed as an argument was invalid.
KErrSSLNoClientCert 	-7405 	No client certificate was supplied.
KErrSSLUnsupportedKeySize 	-7406 	The size of the key is too big.
KErrSSLUnsupportedKey 	-7407 	General unsupported key error
KErrSSLBadRecordHeader 	-7408 	An invalid record was received.
KErrSSLBadProtocolVersion 	-7409 	Invalid protocol version
KErrSSL2ServerOnly 	-7410 	The server only supports the SSL2.0 protocol.
KErrSSLUnexpectedMessage 	-7411 	Unexpected message.
KErrSSLUnsupportedCipher 	-7412 	Unsupported cipher.
KErrSSLBadMAC 	-7413 	Bad MAC.
KErrSSLReceivedAlert 	-7414 	An SSL alert was received from the remote end, which caused the connection to be terminated.
KErrSSLRecvNotSupportedHS 	-7415 	An invalid handshake message was received.
KErrSSLHSRecordFieldTooBig 	-7416 	A field in the handshake record being parsed was too big.
KErrSSLRecordHeaderTooBig 	-7417 	Record header field too big.
KErrSSLSendDataTooBig 	-7418 	Send data field too big.
KErrSSLNoCertificate 	-7419 	No certificate.
KErrSSLInvalidHash 	-7420 	Invalid hash.
KErrSSLSendCanceled 	-7421 	Send cancelled.
KErrSSLRecvCanceled 	-7422 	Receieve cancelled.
KErrSSLHandshakeCanceled 	-7423 	CancelHandshake was called during one of the handshake methods.
KErrSSLWriteFailed 	-7424 	Write failed.
KErrSSLFailedToLoad 	-7425 	The SSL.dll couldn't be loaded by the adaptor.
KErrSSLDisconnectIndication 	-7426 	An unspecified error was signaled from the SSL.dll to the adaptor.
KErrSSLDllLeave 	-7427 	A leave occured in the SSL.dll.
KErrSSLAlertCloseNotify 	-7500 	Close notification.
KErrSSLAlertUnexpectedMessage 	-7510 	An inappropriate message was received.
KErrSSLAlertBadRecordMac 	-7520 	A record was received withan incorrect MAC.
KErrSSLAlertDecryptionFailed 	-7521 	A TLS cipher text was decrypted in an invalid way.
KErrSSLAlertRecordOverflow 	-7522 	A TLS cipher text record was received which was too long.
KErrSSLAlertDecompressionFailure 	-7530 	The decompression functionreceived improper input.
KErrSSLAlertHandshakeFailure 	-7540 	With given the options available, the sender was unable to negotiate an acceptable set of security parameters.
KErrSSLAlertNoCertificate 	-7541 	No certificate.
KErrSSLAlertBadCertificate 	-7542 	A certificate was corrupt,e.g. contained signatures that could not be verified.
KErrSSLAlertUnsupportedCertificate 	-7543 	The certificate was of an unsupported type.
KErrSSLAlertCertificateRevoked 	-7544 	The certificate was revoked.
KErrSSLAlertCertificateExpired 	-7545 	The certificate was expired.
KErrSSLAlertCertificateUnknown 	-7546 	An unspecified problem withthe certificate. Certificate can not be used.
KErrSSLAlertIllegalParameter 	-7547 	A field in the handshake was out of range or inconsistent with other fields.
KErrSSLAlertUnknownCA 	-7548 	Either the CA certificate could not be located or the CA could not be matched with a known trusted CA.
KErrSSLAlertAccessDenied 	-7549 	A valid certificate was received, but the access control denied access.
KErrSSLAlertDecodeError 	-7550 	A message could not be decoded, e.g. some field was out of the specified range.
KErrSSLAlertDecryptError 	-7551 	A handshake cryptographic operation failed.
KErrSSLAlertExportRestriction 	-7560 	A negotiation was not allowed due to export restrictions.
KErrSSLAlertProtocolVersion 	-7570 	The protocol version was not supported, e.g. the client has attempted to negotiate a recognised, but unsupported protocol.
KErrSSLAlertInsufficientSecurity 	-7571 	Returned instead of KErrSSLAlertHandshakeFailure when the negotiation fails because the server requests ciphers more secure than those supported by the client.
KErrSSLAlertInternalError 	-7580 	An internal error.
KErrSSLAlertUserCanceled 	-7590 	This handshake is being cancelled by the user.
KErrSSLAlertNoRenegotiation 	-7600 	No renegotiation will be accepted.
KErrTransportRequest 	-8321 	The transport cannot send data as created.
KErrTransportHeader 	-8322 	The transport has not been suitably configured.
KErrTransportSvrNoUri 	-8323 	The URI does not exist.
KErrTransportSvrError 	-8324 	There was a transport server error.
KErrTransportAuthenticationFailure 	-8325 	Transport Authentification failure.
KErrTransportDisconnected 	-8326 	Transport disconnected the session.
KErrSyncEngineErrorBase 	-8327 	Base value for engine-related errors.
KErrConnectionError 	-8328 	Transports could not connect to the server.
KErrCannotCommunicateWithServer 	-8329 	Could not communicate with the server: possibly a time-out occurred.
KErrDatabaseAdapterIndexError 	-8330 	Database adapter failed to create an item.
KErrParseCallbackError 	-8331 	Currently unused.
KErrCommandInvalid 	-8332 	Currently unused.
KErrSessionIdNotValid 	-8333 	Invalid session ID.
KErrVerDTDMissing 	-8334 	SyncML message did not specify a DTD version.
KErrProtoMissing 	-8335 	SyncML message did not specify a protocol.
KErrSyncHdrMissing 	-8336 	Currently unused.
KErrTargetLocMissing 	-8337 	SyncML message did not specify a target location.
KErrSourceLocMissing 	-8338 	SyncML message did not specify a source location.
KErrTargetLocNameMissing 	-8339 	Currently unused.
KErrSourceLocNameMissing 	-8340 	Currently unused.
KErrMappingInfoMissing 	-8341 	Mapping of added item could not created.
KErrMappingInfoNotAcked 	-8342 	Mapping has not been acknowledged by the server.
KErrVersionDTDNotSupported 	-8343 	SyncML message specified an unsupported DTD version.
KErrProtoNotSupported 	-8344 	SyncML message specified an unsupported protocol.
KErrStatusCommandForCommandNotSent 	-8345 	A status was received for a cmdId, butthis cmdIdwas not sent.
KErrStatusCommandNotTheSame 	-8346 	A status was received but the commandstringdoesnot matched the received one.
KErrMissingStatusCommands 	-8347 	Status command(s) were expected but are missing.
KErrFailedToAddRecord 	-8348 	Failed to add record in database.
KErrFailedToReplaceRecord 	-8349 	Failed to replace record in database.
KErrFailedToDeleteRecord 	-8350 	Failed to delete record in database.
KErrXmlParsingError 	-8351 	XML parsing error.
KErrReferenceToolkitError 	-8352 	There was an error reported in the reference toolkit.
KErrClientDatabaseNotFound 	-8404 	No suitable database was found on the client device.
KErrServerDatabaseNotFound 	-8405 	No suitable database was found on the server.
KErrDevInfFileNotFound 	-8406 	Currently unused.
KErrObjectTooLargeToSendToServer 	-8407 	Object is too large to send to server.
KErrSlowSync 	-8408 	Sync is going to be slow.
KErrFailedToGetRecord 	-8409 	Failed to get record from DevMan.
KErrUserInteractionFailed 	-8410 	User interaction failed.
KErrStatusSizeMismatch 	-8411 	Large object size mismatch.
KErrFailedToCloseDatabase 	-8412 	Data Provider close failed.
KErrMessageTooShort 	-8451 	Push message is too short
KErrMessageIsCorrupt 	-8452 	Push message is corrupt
KErrBadTransportId 	-8453 	Profile has no Transport ID
KErrNoNotificationBody 	-8454 	Push message has no body
KErrWrongVersion 	-8455 	Push message specifies an unsupportedversion
KErrUnsupportedMimeType 	-8456 	Push message specifies an unsupportedversion
KErrNoSuchTask 	-8457 	Currently unused
KErrUnknownSyncType 	-8458 	Push message specifies an unknown typeof sync
KErrUnknownProfile 	-8459 	Push message specifies an unknown profile
KErrInvalidProfile 	-8460 	Currently unused
KErrInvalidCredentials 	-8461 	Unsupported (USERNETWPIN or USERPIN) securitymechanism specified
KErrNoCredentials 	-8462 	Currently unused
KErrIntegrityFailureHMAC 	-8463 	Failed to verify the generated HMAC value
KErrMustUsageUriNotComplete 	-8464 	Currently unused
KErrDMAccUriIsCorrupt 	-8465 	Push message has invalid DM account URI
KErrDMConUriIsCorrupt 	-8466 	Push message has invalid DM connectionURI
KErrParmNameNotInProvDoc 	-8468 	Push message has missing characteristic
KErrInvalidAppIdValue 	-8469 	Push message has missing or invalid App Id
KErrInvalidToNapIdValue 	-8470 	Push message has missing or invalid TO-NAPID
KErrInvalidProviderIdValue 	-8471 	Push message has missing or invalid Provider-ID
KErrEmptyAauthLevelValue 	-8472 	Push message has missing or invalid AAUTHLEVEL
KErrAppSrvAAuthLevelNotFound 	-8473 	Push message has missing or invalid APPSRV
KErrClientAAuthLevelNotFound 	-8474 	Push message has missing or invalid AppAuth Client
KErrInvalidAppAuth 	-8475 	Currently unused
KErrNoApplicationCharac 	-8476 	Push message has missing or invalid APPLICATION characteristic
KErrNoAppAuthCharac 	-8478 	Push message has missing or invalid APPAUTH characteristic
KErrMissingRequiredParmInSvr 	-8480 	Currently unused
KErrMissingRequiredParmInClient 	-8481 	Currently unused
KErrAppAddrCharacNotFound 	-8484 	Missing APPADDR characteristic or subcharacteristic
KErrUnsupportedVersion 	-8485 	Unsupported WBXML version
KErrWrongProvPublicDocId 	-8486 	Prov Document identifier not WAP Provisoningversion 1.0
KErrProfileNotFound 	-8501 	The requested profile does not exist
KErrConnectionNotFound 	-8502 	The requested connection does not exist within the profile
KErrTaskNotFound 	-8503 	The requested task does not exist within theprofile
KErrTransportNotFound 	-8504 	The requested transport adaptor does not exist
KErrDataProviderNotFound 	-8505 	The requested data provider does not exist
KErrJobNotFound 	-8506 	The requested job has completed
KErrObjectPendingDelete 	-8507 	The requested object is pending deletion
KErrObjectInUse 	-8508 	The object to modify or delete is currently in use
KErrProfileAccessDenied 	-8509 	The specified profile is not available, e.g. a Device Management profile, or open foredit by another client
KErrSuspended 	-8510 	The requested data stream cannot be found intheData Store
KErrDataDepotStreamNotFound 	-8511 	The requested data stream cannot be found intheData Store
XML Parser and MMS SMIL Translator
KErrXMLBadAttributeValue 	-9001 	XML attribute value
KErrXMLBadAttributeName 	-9002 	XML attribute name
KErrXMLInvalidChild 	-9003 	Invalid XML child element
KErrXMLBadNesting 	-9004 	XML element nesting
KErrXMLIncomplete 	-9005 	XML element incomplete
KErrXMLBadElementName 	-9006 	XML element name
KErrXMLDuplicateDocTypeTags 	-9007 	Error code that indicates that more than one DOCTYPE tag has been encountered: the first one encountered will be used
KErrXMLDuplicateVersionTags 	-9008 	Error code that indicates that more than one XML version tag has been encountered: the first one encountered will be used
KErrXMLDuplicateRootElements 	-9009 	Error code that indicates that more than one element has been encountered at the root of the document
KErrXMLMissingDocTypeTag 	-9010 	Error code that indicates that no DOCTYPE tag was encountered
KErrXMLMissingVersionTag 	-9011 	Error code that indicates that no XML version tag was encountered
KErrXMLDuplicateAttributeName 	-9012 	Error code that indicates that an element has two or more entries for the same attribute
KErrXMLMultipleRootElements 	-9013 	Error code that indicates there is no single root element
KErrXMLCorruptFile 	-9014 	Error code that indicates spurious characters have been found. This may occur as the result of a missing or an extra attribute or element delimiter
KErrXMLIllegalCharacter 	-9015 	Error code that indicates a built-in entity or element / attribute delimiter is at an inappropriate place
KErrXMLBadEntity 	-9016 	
KErrXMLInvalidElement 	-9017 	Error code that indicates an element was found to be invalid by the DTD
KErrXMLInvalidAttribute 	-9018 	Error code that indicates an attribute was found to be invalid by the DTD
MMS Server MTM
KMmsErrUnspecified 	-9100
KMmsErrServiceDenied 	-9101
KMmsErrMessageFormatCorrupt 	-9102
KMmsErrSendingAddressUnresolved 	-9103
KMmsErrMessageNotFound 	-9104
KMmsErrNetworkProblem 	-9105
KMmsErrContentNotAccepted 	-9106
KMmsErrUnsupportedMessage 	-9107
KMmsErrInvalidPDU 	-9108
KMmsErrNoData 	-9109
KMmsNoResponseStatus 	-9110
WAP Engine Errors
EWapErrGeneral	-10000 	"A general error has occurred"
EWapErrDocumentNotFound	-10001 	"The requested document cannot be found"
EWapErrDocumentCorrupted	-10002 	"This document is corrupt and cannot be read"
EWapErrAccessViolation	-10003 	"Access to this document has been denied"
EWapErrDataCallDropped	-10004 	"The data call has been closed"
EWapErrDataCallUnavailable	-10005 	"The data call is being used by another application"
EWapErrScriptNotFound	-10006 	"The requested script has not been found"
EWapErrScriptError	-10007 	"This script has returned a fatal error"
EWapErrScriptCorrupt 	-10008 	"There is an error in this script"
EWapErrScriptIllegalAction	-10009 	"The script attempted an illegal action and has been terminated"
EWapErrScriptObscureLibraryCall	-10010 	"The script has attempted a function which is unavailable"
EWapErrAuthorizationFailed	-10011 	"Authorization has failed"
EWapErrProtocolNotSupported	-10012 	"The current network does not support the requested service"
EWapErrAccessPointNotSetUpGeneric	-10013 	"Access point information is missing"
EWapErrAccessPointNotSetUpForUSSD	-10014 	"Access point information is missing (USSD)"
EWapErrAccessPointNotSetUpForSMS	-10015 	"Access point information is missing (SMS)"
EWapErrAccessPointNotSetUpForCSD	-10016 	"Access point information is missing (CSD)"
EWapErrImageConversionFailed	-10017 	"Image conversion has failed"
EWapErrPluginNotFound	-10018 	"The requested plugin has not been found"
EWapErrCorruptUrl	-10019 	"Part of the URL contains invalid characters"
EWapErrCorruptScheme	-10020 	"Part of the scheme contains invalid characters"
EWapErrUnknownScheme	-10021 	"Unknown scheme"
EWapErrDTDUnavailable	-10022 	"Document cannot be validated as DTD is not available"
EWapErrInvalidDTD	-10023 	"DTD is invalid"
EWapErrUnknownDocument	-10024 	"The document requested cannot be found"
EWapErrMimeTypeMissing	-10025 	"MIME information is missing"
Installer Engine
KErrSISPrerequisitesMissingDependency	-10136 	"A dependency specified in the .pkg file is missing"
KErrSISTooDeeplyEmbedded	-10145 	"The SIS file contains too many levels of embedded SIS files (the maximum depth is 8)."
KErrSISInvalidTargetFile	-10146	"Generally indicates an error with the file name and/or its target destination."
KErrSISWouldOverWrite	-10147 	"A file being installed would overwrite an existing file."
KErrBadHash	-10253 	"The checksums and digital signatures of the package might no longer match the rest of the data in the package."
KErrSecurityError	-10254 	"A general purpose error code that can be generated in several situations like the SIS file is not signed and the device requires it, System capabilities are requested but not signed for, protected SID/VID which isn't signed for, certificate's validation period has expired, attempt to install an augmentation package with same name as an already installed base package"
KErrMissingBasePackage	-10255 	"An installation of an augmentation or partial upgrade failed because the base package is not present on the device"
KErrInvalidUpgrade	-10256 	"An upgrade failed because the package being installed is not a valid upgrade of the package already on the device."
KErrInvalidEclipsing	-10257 	"The installation breaks eclipsing rules."
KErrWrongHeaderFormat	-10258	"The package contains executables which are not compatible with the target environment"
KErrCapabilitiesMismatch	-10259	
KErrLegacySisFile	-10270	"The SIS file was created with old versions of tools (i.e. makesis.exe), and not those compatible with Symbian OS v9.x."
Crypto API
KErrBadPassphrase 	-11000
KErrTotalLossOfEntropy 	-11001
KErrKeyNotWeakEnough 	-11002
KErrInvalidPadding 	-11003
KErrWeakKey 	-11004
KErrNegativeExportNotSupported 	-11005
KErrKeyAlgorithm 	-11006
KErrKeyUsage 	-11007
KErrKeyValidity 	-11008
KErrKeySize 	-11009
KErrKeyAccess 	-11010
KErrPrivateKeyNotFound 	-11011
MMS Errors - possibly outdated?
KMmsGeneralError 	-11000
KMmsErrorNoWAPAccessPoint 	-11001
KMmsErrorUrisDontMatch 	-11002
KMmsErrorNoIAP1 	-11003
KMmsErrorNoIAP2 	-11004
KMmsErrorAP1Invalid 	-11005
KMmsErrorAP2Invalid 	-11006
KMmsErrorMessageTooBig 	-11007
KMmsErrorUnknownMessageType 	-11008
KMmsErrorDiskSpaceLow 	-11009
KMmsErrorStatusUnspecified 	-11010
KMmsErrorStatusServiceDenied 	-11011
KMmsErrorStatusMessageFormatCorrupt 	-11012
KMmsErrorStatusMessageAddressUnresolved 	-11013
KMmsErrorStatusMessageNotFound 	-11014
KMmsErrorStatusNetworkProblem 	-11015
KMmsErrorStatusContentNotAccepted 	-11016
KMmsErrorStatusUnsupportedMessage 	-11017
KMmsErrorHTTPConfiguration 	-11018
KMmsErrorHTTPNotFound 	-11019
KMmsErrorHTTPServerDown 	-11020
KMmsErrorWapStack 	-11021
KMmsErrorSessionAlreadyOpen 	-11022
KMmsErrorSessionNotOpen 	-11023
KMmsErrorBearerSuspended 	-11024
KMmsErrorTimeout 	-11025
KMmsErrorSuspendTimeout 	-11026
KMmsErrorUnknownRespFromGw 	-11027
KMmsErrorTransferCancelled 	-11028
KMmsErrorBufferEmpty 	-11029
KMmsErrorConnectionAlreadyActive 	-11030
KMmsErrorNoWapAp1 	-11031
KMmsErrorNoURI1 	-11032
KMmsErrorNoURI2 	-11033
KMmsErrorNotHomeNetwork 	-11034
KMmsErrorInvalidSettings 	-11035
KMmsErrorEMRUExceeded 	-11036
KErrYetToEnumerate	-11101
KErrCannotObtainList	-11102
KErrNoTokenTypes	-11103
KErrNoTokensPresent	-11104
KErrKeyGenerationFailed 	-11105
KErrCipherNotSupported 	-11106
KErrCannotOpenToken	-11107
KErrNoCertsAvailable 	-11108
KErrCertValidationFailed 	-11109
KErrBadServerFinishedMsg 	-111010
KErrBadMAC	-111011
KTLSErrUnknownRequest	-111012
KTLSErrBadSignAlg	-111013
KTLSErrBadKeyExchAlg	-111014
KTLSErrBadProtocolVersion	-111015
KTLSErrBadCipherSuite	-111016
KTLSErrCacheEntryInUse	-111017
KTLSErrNotCached	-111018
KTLSErrNotInitialized	-111019
KTLSErrBadArgument	-111020
Compression/Decompression - ZLib/GZip
KEZlibErrStream 	-11501
KEZlibErrData 	-11502
KEZlibErrBuf 	-11503
KEZlibErrVersion 	-11504
KEZlibErrUnexpected 	-11505
KEZlibErrDeflateTerminated 	-11506
KEZlibErrInflateTerminated 	-11507
KEZlibErrInflateDictionary 	-11508
KEZlibErrNotGZipFile 	-11509
KEZlibErrInvalidCompression 	-11510
KEZlibErrBadGZipHeader 	-11511
KEZlibErrBadGZipTrailer 	-11512
KEZlibErrBadGZipCrc 	-11513
Multimedia Framework
KErrMMNotEnoughBandwidth 	-12000 	Not enough network bandwidth
KErrMMSocketServiceNotFound 	-12001 	Error locating network socket services
KErrMMNetworkRead 	-12002 	An error occurred while reading data from the network
KErrMMNetworkWrite 	-12003 	An error occurred while writing data to the network
KErrMMServerSocket 	-12004 	Invalid socket error or an error occurred while creating a network socket
KErrMMServerNotSupported 	-12005 	Streaming Server not supported
KErrMMServerAlert 	-12006 	Server alert
KErrMMUDPReceive 	-12007 	Player cannot receive UDP data packets
KErrMMInvalidProtocol 	-12008 	Network transport not recognized
KErrMMInvalidURL 	-12009 	Invalid URL
KErrMMMulticast 	-12010 	An error occured attempting to join or access multicast session
KErrMMProxyServer 	-12011 	Proxy status error, Proxy invalid response error or invalid hostname for proxy
KErrMMProxyServerNotSupported 	-12012 	Client cannot support proxy server
KErrMMProxyServerConnect 	-12013 	Unable to locate proxy server or Proxy connection could not be established
KErrMMAudioDevice 	-12014 	Cannot open audio device, or lost control of audio device
KErrMMVideoDevice 	-12015 	Problem blitting video to display
KErrMMDecoder 	-12016 	Invalid decoder, decoder not properly initialized, or appropriate decoder could not be found
KErrMMPartialPlayback 	-12017 	Only able to play either the audio or the video portion of the media file. Could be due to a codec that isn't supported, the video frame size being too large etc
KErrMMDRMNotAuthorized 	-12018 	Digital Rights have expired
WML Errors (outdated?)
EWapErrWmlLibNullNode	-12000
EWapErrWmlLibCDATANodeWithoutParent	-12001
EWapErrWmlLibAccessViolation	-12101
EWapErrWmlLibInvalidVariableReference 	-12102
EWapErrWmlLibInvalidConversionMethod 	-12103
EWapErrWmlLibIllegalVariableName 	-12104
EWapErrWmlLibIllegalTaskCountOnAnchor 	-12105
EWapErrWmlLibNULLVariableName 	-12106
EWapErrWmlLibNestedTables 	-12107
EWapErrWmlLibDuplicateDoNodeName 	-12108
EWapErrWmlLibUsageOfReservedWord 	-12109
EWapErrWmlLibZeroTableColumns 	-12110
EWapErrWmlLibNonWmlDocument 	-12111
EWapErrWmlLibMultipleMetaPropertyName	-12112
EWapErrWmlLibEventBindingConflict	-12114
EWapErrWmlLibMultipleAccessElements	-12115
EWapErrWmlLibNonUniqueIds	-12116
EWapErrWmlLibVariableInInvalidLocation	-12117
Speech Recognition Framework
KErrAsrNoSpeech 	-12050
KErrAsrSpeechTooEarly 	-12051
KErrAsrSpeechTooLong 	-12052
KErrAsrSpeechTooShort	-12053
KErrAsrNoMatch	-12054
KErrAsrDataRightViolation	-12055
KErrAsrNotRegisted	-12056
KErrAsrInvalidState	-12057
KErrAsrInitializationFailure	-12058
ECAM (Camera)
KErrECamCameraDisabled	-12100 	The camera has been disabled, hence calls do not succeed
KErrECamSettingDisabled	-12101 	This parameter or operation is supported, but presently is disabled.
KErrECamParameterNotInRange 	-12102 	This value is out of range.
KErrECamSettingNotSupported	-12103 	This parameter or operation is not supported.
KErrECamNotOptimalFocus 	-12104 	The optimum focus is lost
KErrTunerStubFailure 	-12200 	The stub tuner plugin always returns this failure code
Wap Engine XML Errors
EWapErrXmlLibMissingCDATASectionEndTag 	-13000
EWapErrXmlLibInvalidAttributeDeclaration 	-13001
EWapErrXmlLibEndTagMismatch 	-13002
EWapErrXmlLibInvalidCharacterReference 	-13003
EWapErrXmlLibUnknownEntityReference 	-13004
EWapErrXmlLibNoDTD 	-13005
EWapErrXmlLibMissingDocumentRootNode 	-13006
EWapErrXmlLibInvalidXmlVersionDefinition 	-13007
EWapErrXmlLibRootElementNameMismatch 	-13008
EWapErrXmlLibIllegalTagName 	-13100
EWapErrXmlLibIllegalFixedAttributeValue 	-13101
EWapErrXmlLibMissingRequiredAttribute 	-13102
EWapErrXmlLibMissingDocument 	-13104
EWapErrXmlLibInvalidDocumentStructure 	-13106
EWapErrXmlLibIllegalAttributeValue 	-13107
EWapErrXmlLibInvalidDocument	-13200
EWapErrXmlLibDocumentBuffered 	-13201
EWapErrXmlLibDocumentAlreadyValid 	-13202
EWapErrXmlLibInvalidDTD 	-13203
Multimode Telephony (CDMA OTA)
KErrCdmaOtaUnknown 	-13257 	Rejected - Unknown reason
KErrCdmaOtaDataSizeMismatch 	-13258 	Rejected - Data size mismatch
KErrCdmaOtaProtocolVersionMismatch 	-13259 	Rejected - Protocol version mismatch
KErrCdmaOtaInvalidParameter 	-13260 	Rejected - Invalid parameter
KErrCdmaOtaSIDNIDLengthMismatch 	-13261 	Rejected - SID NID length mismatch
KErrCdmaOtaMessageNotExpectedInThisMode 	-13262 	Rejected - Message not expected in this mode
KErrCdmaOtaBlockIdValueNotSupported 	-13263 	Rejected - Block Id value not supported
KErrCdmaOtaPRLLengthMismatch 	-13264 	Rejected - PRL length mismatch
KErrCdmaOtaCRC 	-13265 	Rejected - Incorrect CRC
KErrCdmaOtaLocked 	-13266 	Rejected - Mobile Station Locked
KErrCdmaOtaInvalidSPC 	-13267 	Rejected - Invalid SPC
KErrCdmaOtaSPCChangeDeniedByUser 	-13268 	Rejected - SPC change denied by user
KErrCdmaOtaInvalidSpasm 	-13269 	Rejected - Invalid SPASM
KErrCdmaOtaBlockIdNotExpectedInThisMode 	-13270 	Rejected - Block Id not expected in this mode
KErrCdmaOtaUserZoneAlreadyInPUZL 	-13271 	Rejected - User Zone already in PUZL
KErrCdmaOtaUserZoneNotInPUZL 	-13272 	Rejected - User zone not in PUZL
KErrCdmaOtaNoEntriesInPUZL 	-13273 	Rejected - No entries in PUZL
KErrCdmaOtaOperationModeMismatch 	-13274 	Rejected - Operation Mode mismatch
KErrCdmaOtaSimpleIPMaxNumNaiMismatch 	-13275 	Rejected - SimpleIP MAX_NUM_NAI mismatch
KErrCdmaOtaSimpleIPMaxNaiLengthMismatch 	-13276 	Rejected - SimpleIP MAX_NAI_LENGTH mismatch
KErrCdmaOtaMobileIPMaxNumNaiMismatch 	-13277 	Rejected - MobileIP MAX_NUM_NAI mismatch
KErrCdmaOtaMobileIPMaxNaiLengthMismatch 	-13278 	Rejected - MobileIP MAX_NAI_LENGTH mismatch
KErrCdmaOtaSimpleIPPapMaxSsLenMismatch 	-13279 	Rejected - SimpleIP PAP MAX_SS_LENGTH mismatch
KErrCdmaOtaSimpleIPChapMaxSsLenMismatch 	-13280 	Rejected - SimpleIP CHAP MAX_SS_LENGTH mismatch
KErrCdmaOtaMobileIPMaxMnAaaSsLenMismatch 	-13281 	Rejected - MobileIP MAX_MN-AAA_SS_LENGTH mismatch
KErrCdmaOtaMobileIPMaxMnHaSsLenMismatch 	-13282 	Rejected - MobileIP MAX_MN-HA_SS_LENGTH mismatch
KErrCdmaOtaMobileIPMnAaaAuthAlgoMismatch 	-13283 	Rejected - MobileIP MN-AAA_AUTH_ALGORITHM mismatch
KErrCdmaOtaMobileIPMnhaAuthAlgoMismatch 	-13284 	Rejected - MobileIP MNHA_AUTH_ALGORITHM mismatch
KErrCdmaOtaSimpleIPActNaiEntryIndexMismatch 	-13285 	Rejected - SimpleIP ACT_NAI_ENTRY_INDEX mismatch
KErrCdmaOtaMobileIPActNaiEntryIndexMismatch 	-13286 	Rejected - MobileIP ACT_NAI_ENTRY_INDEX mismatch
KErrCdmaOtaSimpleIPPapNaiEntryIndexMismatch 	-13287 	Rejected - SimpleIP PAP NAI_ENTRY_INDEX mismatch
KErrCdmaOtaSimpleIPChapNaiEntryIndexMismatch 	-13288 	Rejected - SimpleIP CHAP NAI_ENTRY_INDEX mismatch
KErrCdmaOtaMobileIPNaiEntryIndexMismatch 	-13289 	Rejected - MobileIP NAI_ENTRY_INDEX mismatch
ECOM Error Codes
KEComErrAlreadyReceiving 	-17001 	
KEComErrUnknownService 	-17002 	The Client requested a service which is not supplied by this framework The Client requested a service which is not supplied by this framework
KEComErrInvalidUnloadPolicy 	-17003 	The Client requested a service which is not supplied by this framework
KEComErrNoInterfaceIdentified 	-17004 	The call to instantiate an Interface Implementation failed because no registrations exist for this interface
KEComErrEnableFailed 	-17005 	The call to Enable the registered Interface Implementation failed
KEComErrDisableFailed 	-17006 	The call to Disable the registered Interface Implementation failed
KEComErrNoRegistrationsFound 	-17007 	The call to instantiate an Interface Implementation failed because no appropriate implementation was found
KEComErrInvalidIIC 	-17008 	An attempt has been made to load an implementation contained within a dll which no longer exists (deleted or is on a CF card that has been removed)
KEComErrUninstallFailed 	-17009 	The call to Remove the registered Interface Implementation failed
KEComErrReinstallFailed 	-17010 	The call to Re-register an Interface Implementation failed
KEComErrRegistrationFailed 	-17011 	The call to Register an Interface Implementation failed
KEComErrNotConnected 	-17012 	The client does not have a session open with theframework
KEComErrReferenceCountInvalid 	-17013 	The Interface Implementation reference count is invalid
KEComErrNoResolver 	-17014 	The Non-Default resolver could not be instantiated. The most likely situation is that an incorrect implementation uid was supplied
KEComErrSuspendFailed 	-17015 	The call to Suspend registration activities failed
KEComErrResumeFailed 	-17016 	The call to Resume registration activities failed
KEComErrDestructionFailed 	-17017 	The Interface Implementations destruction could not be recorded
KEComErrDriveAlreadyInstalled 	-17018 	An attempt has been made to add a drive to the registry which already exists
KEComErrDriveNotFound 	-17019 	An attempt has been made to update registry information for a dll on a drive that does not exist
KEComErrIndexEntryNotFound 	-17020 	
KEComErrNoRegistrationData 	-17021 	An IIC has been found which does not have a corresponding registration information file
KEComErrInvalidRegistryData 	-17022 	An attempt has been made to update the registry information for a non-existent DLL. An ECom internal error
KEComErrMismatchedTags 	-17023 	
KEComErrInstantiationPointerNotFound 	-17024 	
KEComErrInstantiationPointerNotAvailable 	-17025 	
KEComErrTooManyNotificationsOutstanding 	-17026 	The client has requested too many notifications. ECom can only support a finite number of notifications
KEComErrDestroyingWithNullDtorKey 	-17027 	The client called DestroyedImplementation with a destruction key of NULL. This is an irrecoverable error because the object cannot be deleted
KEComErrMissingParameter 	-17028 	An ECom service was requested with an essential parameter missing. For example, this error code will be supplied when calling an overload of CreateImplementationL which uses a non-default resolver if you fail tosupply the resolver
KEComErrListInvalidAwaitNotification 	-17029 	The registry index is invalid but the client has requested notifications - so they will receive a notification when the indexis ready again
KEComErrListCurrentlyUnavailable 	-17030 	The registry index is invalid and the client has not requested notifications. They will have to try again later after discoveries have completed
Content Handling Framework Errors
KErrCHFProxyObjectAlreadyExists 	-17050	A proxy object with the same identifier already exists.
KErrCHFNoSchemeInUri 	-17051	Supplied URI has no scheme part.
KErrCHFDataSupplierConstructionFailed 	-17052	Data supplier construction failed.
KErrCHFContentHandlerConstructionFailed 	-17053	Content handler construction failed.
KErrCHFDataSupplierSetPositionFailed 	-17054	Failed to set position in data supplier.
Root Server
KErrRSSuddenDeath 	-17103 	A module has died.
KErrRSRequestCancelled 	-17104 	A request was cancelled.
KErrRSInvalidParameter 	-17105 	A parameter was in some way invalid.
KErrRSInvalidParameterFile 	-17106 	The file could not be found, read or was in some way corrupt.
KErrRSInvalidParameterName 	-17107 	The name was invalid.
KErrRSInvalidParameterStackSize 	-17108 	The stack size was invalid.
KErrRSInvalidParameterHeapSize 	-17109 	The heap size was invalid.
KErrRSInvalidUidType 	-17110 	The second UID of the DLL was not the UID of a Comms Provider Module.
KErrRSModuleAlreadyExist 	-17111 	A Comms Provider Module with this name is already loaded.
KErrRSInvalidMBufPoolSize 	-17112 	The size of the MBuf pool is invalid.
KErrRSModuleNotRunning 	-17113 	The specified module is not running.
KErrRSModuleNotLoaded 	-17114 	The specified module is not loaded.
KErrRSAlreadyBound 	-17115 	The specified binding is already active.
KErrRSModulesStillRunning 	-17116 	There are running modules.
KErrRSNoNewHeapsAvailable 	-17117 	Unable to create more new heaps in the Comms Process. Consider sharing a heap between modules.
KErrRSRequestTimedOut 	-17118 	A request timed out. This can happen when a module stops responding to requests for some reason.
KErrRSModuleUnknown 	-17119 	The specified module does not exist.
KErrRSSubModuleUnknown 	-17120 	The specified sub module does not exist.
KErrRSBindingUnknown 	-17121 	The specified binding does not exist.
KErrRSStatusUnknown 	-17122 	The status is unknown.
KErrRSBindingExists 	-17123 	The specified binding exist.
KErrRSModuleNotReady 	-17124 	The module is not ready for requests.
KErrRSBindingInProgress 	-17125 	The specified binding is not yet completed.
KErrRSUnableToOpenHeap 	-17126 	Found heap but unable to open it for sharing.
KErrRSUnableToFindHeap 	-17127 	Unable to find specified heap.
KErrRSUnableToCreateQueues 	-17128 	Unable to create communication channels for new module.
KErrRSZombie 	-17129 	This Comms Provider Module exists but is not responding.
KErrRSInvalidParameterThreadFuncOrdinal 	-17130 	The specified ordinal does not exist for the DLL.
KErrRSInvalidBinding 	-17131 	Invalid binding.
KErrRSInvalidQueueLength 	-17132 	Queue length of binding invalid. Must be betweenTRSBindingInfo::EMinQueueLength and TRSBindingInfo::EMaxQueueLength.
Buffer Manager
KErrNoMBufs 	-17200	
ESock Error codes
KErrConnectionTerminated 	-17210	
KErrCannotFindProtocol 	-17211	
Central Repository Errors
KErrTreeStoreUriTooLong 	-17250	
KErrTreeStoreUriTooDeep 	-17251	
KErrTreeStoreUriSegmentTooLong 	-17252	
KErrTreeStoreBadUriSegmentName 	-17253	
KErrTreeStoreBadUriDelimiters 	-17254	
KErrTreeStoreZeroLenUriSegment 	-17255	
KErrTreeStoreUnknownMountPoint 	-17256	
KErrTreeStoreVolAlreadyAttached 	-17257	
KErrTreeStoreVolumeNotAttached 	-17258	
KErrTreeStoreNotAPersistedTree 	-17259	
Content Access Framework
KErrCANotSupported 	-17450 	Agent does not support the requested capability.
KErrCANoPermission 	-17451 	Rights evaluation failed for the supplied intent. This implies that rights were available, but their evaluation, in the context of supplied intent, failed.
KErrCANoRights 	-17452 	No rights were available for evaluation. A number of causes may generate this error: Perhaps the rights were removed or lost during a separate delivery
KErrCANoAgent 	-17453 	The Agent required is not present. This may occur if content belongs to an agent that is no longer available on the device.
KErrCAOutOfRange 	-17454 	Values specified are out of range.
KErrCAPendingRights	-17455 	The rights were not available but are expected. Will only be returned if the agent supports this capability.
KErrCASizeNotDetermined	-17456 	A request to get the content size failed because the agent was unable to determine it. This error may occur on circumstances where, say, the content is streamed over HTTP.
KErrCANewFileHandleRequired	-17457 	The function failed because the agent needs the client to provide another file handle before the import can continue
XML Framework Errors
KErrXmlStringDictionaryPluginNotFound 	-17550	
KErrXmlParserPluginNotFound 	-17551	
KErrXmlGeneratorPluginNotFound 	-17552	
KErrXmlPluginNotFound 	-17553	
KErrXmlBadCharacterConversion 	-17554	
KErrXmlUnsupportedCharacterSet 	-17555	
KErrXmlUnavailableCharacterSet 	-17556	
KErrXmlUnsupportedElement 	-17557 	
KErrXmlUnsupportedAttribute 	-17558 	
KErrXmlUnsupportedAttributeValue 	-17559 	
KErrXmlMissingStringDictionary 	-17560 	
KErrXmlUnsupportedDocumentVersion 	-17561 	
KErrXmlDocumentCorrupt 	-17562 	
KErrXmlStringPoolTableNotFound 	-17563 	
KErrXmlBadIndex 	-17564 	
KErrXmlUnsupportedExtInterface 	-17566 	
KErrSIPMalformedMessage	-17700 	SIP message was malformed
KErrSIPInvalidRegistrarResponse	-17701 	Invalid SIP response received from registrar
KErrSIPRequestPending	-17702 	SIP Request pending
KErrSIPInvalidTransactionState	-17703 	The action cannot be performed in the current transaction state
KErrSIPInvalidDialogState	-17704 	Not allowed in dialogs current state
KErrSIPInvalidDialogRequest	-17705 	Invalid request in SIP dialog
KErrSIPInvalidDialogResponse	-17706 	Invalid response in SIP dialog
KErrSIPTransportFailure	-17707 	Sending a SIP message failed. For example ICMP error occured
KErrSIPNoAckReceived	-17708 	No ACK was received after sending a 2xx response
KErrSIPInvalidRegistrationState	-17709 	Not allowed in registration's current state
KErrSIPInvalidContact	-17710 	The contact given did not contain user part
KErrSIPResourceNotAvailable	-17711 	Object can't access a resource, since that has been deleted by user. The user is expected to delete this object as it can no longer be used.
KErrSIPResolvingFailure	-17712 	DNS query for the remote address failed
KErrSIPForbidden	-17713 	Authentication with a server failed
KErrSIPMaxCompartmentsInUse	-17714 	Maximum number of allowed SigComp compartments exceeded
KErrSIPTerminatedWithResponse	-17715 	Refresh initiated client transaction was terminated with a 3xx, 4xx, 5xx or 6xx response.
KErrSIPOutboundProxyNotResponding	-17716 	Provided SIP outbound proxy is not responding
KErrSIPInvalidURIType	-17717 	The URI type is not allowed in some field of the particular SIP message. Note that this does not mean that the URI type is forbidden in general. For example Contact-header of an INVITE must always contain a SIP-URI. Any other types are rejected with this error code.
SIP Codec
KErrSipCodecPreParser	-17750
KErrSipCodecTokenizer	-17751
KErrSipCodecNotAllowed	-17752
KErrSipCodecHeaderName	-17753
KErrSipCodecHeaderValue	-17754
KErrSipCodecRequestLine	-17755
KErrSipCodecResponseLine	-17756
KErrSipCodecResponseCode	-17757
KErrSipCodecSIPVersion	-17758
KErrSipCodecSIPMethod	-17759
KErrSipCodecReasonPhrase	-17760
KErrSipCodecAnyParam	-17761
KErrSipCodecAnyParamName	-17762
KErrSipCodecAnyParamValue	-17763
KErrSipCodecDuplicateParam	-17764
KErrSipCodecHostPort	-17765
KErrSipCodecHost	-17766
KErrSipCodecPort	-17767
KErrSipCodecSIPAddress	-17768
KErrSipCodecDisplayName	-17769
KErrSipCodecURI	-17770
KErrSipCodecURIScheme	-17771
KErrSipCodecURIParams	-17772
KErrSipCodecURIHeaders	-17773
KErrSipCodecFromOrToAddress	-17774
KErrSipCodecFromOrToParams	-17775
KErrSipCodecContactHeader	-17776
KErrSipCodecContactSetToStar	-17777
KErrSipCodecContactAddress	-17778
KErrSipCodecContactParams	-17779
KErrSipCodecViaHeader	-17780
KErrSipCodecCallIdHeader	-17781
KErrSipCodecCSeqHeader	-17782
KErrSipCodecContentLengthHeader	-17783
KErrSipCodecExpiresHeader	-17784
KErrSipCodecMaxForwardsHeader	-17785
KErrSipCodecContentTypeHeader	-17786
KErrSipCodecRouteHeader	-17787
KErrSipCodecMinExpiresHeader	-17788
KErrSipCodecTokenBaseHeader	-17789
KErrSipCodecRequireHeader	-17790
KErrSipCodecContentEncodingHeader	-17791
KErrSipCodecProxyRequireHeader	-17792
KErrSipCodecSupportedHeader	-17793
KErrSipCodecUnsupportedHeader	-17794
KErrSipCodecAllowHeader	-17795
KErrSipCodecSecurityHeader	-17796
KErrSipCodecContentDispositionHeader	-17797
KErrSipCodecSubscriptionStateHeader	-17798
KErrSipCodecAcceptHeader	-17799
KErrSipCodecAcceptEncodingHeader	-17800
KErrSipCodecAcceptLanguageHeader	-17801
KErrSipCodecAcceptParams	-17802
KErrSipCodecEventHeader	-17803
KErrSipCodecAllowEventsHeader	-17804
KErrSipCodecAuthenticationInfoHeader	-17805
KErrSipCodecReferToHeader	-17806
KErrSipCodecAuthenticationHeader	-17807
KErrSipCodecAuthScheme	-17808
KErrSipCodecAuthorizationHeader	-17809
KErrSipCodecURIContainer	-17810
KErrSipCodecRAckHeader	-17811
KErrSipCodecRSeqHeader	-17812
KErrSipCodecReplyToHeader	-17813
KErrSipCodecTimestampHeader	-17814
KErrSipCodecRetryAfterHeader	-17815
KErrSipCodecRetryAfterParams	-17816
KErrSipCodecAcceptContactHeader	-17817
KErrSipCodecPAssociatedURIHeader	-17818
KErrSipCodecPAccessNetworkInfoHeader	-17819
SDP Codec
KErrSdpCodecVersionField	-17875
KErrSdpCodecOriginField	-17876
KErrSdpCodecSessionField	-17877
KErrSdpCodecInfoField	-17878		KErrSdpCodecUriField	-17879
KErrSdpCodecEmailField	-17880		KErrSdpCodecPhoneField	-17881
KErrSdpCodecConnectionField	-17882
KErrSdpCodecBandwidthField	-17883
KErrSdpCodecTimeField	-17884
KErrSdpCodecRepeatField	-17885
KErrSdpCodecZoneField	-17886
KErrSdpCodecKeyField	-17887
KErrSdpCodecAttributeField	-17888
KErrSdpCodecMediaField	-17889
KErrSdpCodecMediaInfoField	-17890
KErrSdpCodecMediaConnectionField	-17891
KErrSdpCodecMediaBandwidthField	-17892
KErrSdpCodecMediaKeyField 	-17893
KErrSdpCodecMediaAttributeField	-17894
KErrSdpCodecTypedTime	-17895
KErrSdpCodecStringPool 	-17896
KErrSdpCodecDecode	-17897
LBS Privacy Framework Errors
KErrPrivacyTbNullPtr 	-17901	
KErrPrivacyTbProgramError 	-17902	
KErrPrivacyTbNullSearchString 	-17903	
KErrPrivacyTbWriteFailure 	-17904	
KErrPriPolicyTbPackedPriByte 	-17905	
KErrPriVersionTbInvalidVersion 	-17906	
KErrPriVersionTbRecordAlreadyExist 	-17907	
KErrServicePrivacyTbErrorBase 	-17910 	
KErrSerPriTbMismatchServiceIdAndType 	-17911	
KErrSerPriTbServiceIdTypeChanged 	-17912	
KErrSerPriTbSecureIdChanged 	-17913	
KErrServiceIdPhoneNumberTbErrorBase 	-17915 	Leave codes used for ServiceIdPhoneNumber table
KErrServiceIdPhoneNumTbMatchDigitsOutOfRange 	-17916 	
KErrServicePrivacyErrorBase 	-17920 	
KErrServicePrivacyDuplicateServiceItemId 	-17921 	
KErrServicePrivacyArrayIndexOutOfRange 	-17922 	
KErrServicePrivacyDbModelErrorBase 	-17925 	Leave codes used for ServicePrivacyDbModel
KErrSPDbModelWrongMajorVersion 	-17926 	
KErrSPDbModelServiceIdPhNoDigitsLessThan7 	-17927 	
KErrSPDbModelServiceIdTypeNotSet 	-17928 	
KErrSPDbModelWrongServiceInfoMask 	-17929 	
KErrSPDbModelNullServiceId 	-17930 	
KErrSPDbModelChildTbRcdNotDeleted 	-17931 	
KErrSPDbModelChildTbRcdNotUpdated 	-17932 	
KErrSPDbModelInvalidPhMatchLength 	-17933 	
KErrServicePrivacyDbErrorBase 	-17935 	Leave codes used for ServicePrivacyDb
KErrServicePrivacyDbInvalidServiceItemIdInArray 	-17936 	
KErrServicePrivacyDbEventObserverAlreadyExists 	-17937 	
HTTP Errors
EHttpGeneralError 	-20000 	"A general error has occurred"
EHttpCannotFindServer 	-20001 	"The URL specified a non-existent or inaccessible server"
EHttpCannotFindPlugin 	-20002 	"The plugin name/type was not found on the device"
EHttpUnsupportedMethod 	-20003 	"The method requested is not supported"
EHttpWapAPReadFailure 	-20004 	"Access point information is missing"
EHttpNetDialSetupFailed 	-20005 	"Net dial setup has failed"
EHttpWtlsConfigFailed 	-20006 	"The WAP stack has been configured incorrectly for WTLS"
EHttpWtlsBadServerCert 	-20007 	"The WAP stack has rejected the gateway certificate"
EHttpWtlsServerCertRejected 	-20008 	"The security certificate has been rejected and the session will be aborted"
EHttpWtlsCipherRejected 	-20009 	"The session has been aborted due to low security status"
EHttpGatewayCannotBeReached 	-20010 	"A session could not be established with the WAP Gateway"
EHttpGatewayTransactionAbort 	-20011 	"A transaction was aborted by the gateway or the stack"
EHttpGatewaySessionDisconnect	-20012 	"The session was disconnectedby the WAP Gateway"
EHttpCancellationAbort 	-20013 	"Error code for leave when cancellation has occured during RunL()"
EHttpReceivingErrorDeck	-20014 	"Could not find document, so receiving an error deck"
HTTP Status Code 400 	-20400 	"The request sent does not use the correct syntax"
HTTP Status Code 401 	-20401 	"Unauthorized request, authentication must be used"
HTTP Status Code 402 	-20402 	"Payment is required for this action to succeed"
HTTP Status Code 403 	-20403 	"The document requested cannot be disclosed by the server"
HTTP Status Code 404	-20404 	"The document requested cannot be found on the server"
HTTP Status Code 405	-20405 	"The methodrequested is not currentlyallowed"
HTTP Status Code 406	-20406 	"The header information of the returned resource is incorrect"
HTTP Status Code 407	-20407 	"Proxy authentication is required"
HTTP Status Code 408	-20408 	"The request has timed out"
HTTPStatus Code 409	-20409 	"A Conflict has occurred"
HTTP Status Code 410	-20410 	"The document requested cannot be found on the server"
HTTP Status Code 411	-20411 	"Length is required here"
HTTP Status Code 412	-20412 	"A precondition has not been met"
HTTP Status Code 413	-20413 	"The request entity is too large"
HTTP Status Code 414	-20414 	"The URL requested is too long"
HTTP Status Code 415	-20415 	"The media type requested is unsupported"
HTTP Status Code 500	-20500 	"An internal server error has occurred"
HTTP Status Code 501	-20501 	"An internal server error has occurred"
HTTP Status Code 502	-20502 	"An error has occurred within the WAP gateway"
HTTP Status Code 503	-20503 	"The service requested is unavailable"
HTTP Status Code 504	-20504 	"The connection to the gateway has timed out"
HTTP Status Code 505	-20505 	"This HTTP version is not supported"
SEN Service Connection
KErrSenNotInitialized	-30291
KErrSenServiceConnectionBusy	-30292
KErrConnectionInitializing	-30293
KErrConnectionExpired	-30294
KErrSubmitting	-30295
KErrSenSoapFault	-30296
KErrSenInternal	-30297
KErrSenNoEndpoint	-30298
KErrSenNoContract	-30299
KErrSenInvalidCharacters	-30300
KErrSenZeroLengthDescriptor	-30301
KErrSenXmlReaderNotSet	-30302
KErrSenXmlContentHandlerNotSet	-30303
KErrSenProviderIdInUseByAnotherEndpoint	-30305
KErrSenNoContractNoEndPoint	-30306
KErrPosLmNotInitialized	-30351
KErrPosLmUnknownFormat	-30352
KErrPositionBufferOverflow	-30371
KErrPositionIncalculable	-30372
indexes/symbian_error_codes.txt · Last modified: d/m/Y H:i by domingo